When it comes to dramatic performances, cats can certainly put on a show. The most minor inconveniences (think: they want a nap, they’ve been left out in the rain, or they haven’t been given enough attention) often result in an extreme reaction from said cat- and make for some hilarious photos, we have to say. Here are 50 overdramatic cats who deserve an Oscar for their performance. If this doesn’t brighten your day up, then nothing will.
1. On the road
First off, we couldn’t help been drawn to the fact that there is literally a truck coming right towards the car in the reflection in the man’s sunglasses, so we honestly feel like our expression would be pretty similar to the cat’s. This only makes the unimpressed look on the dog’s face even more funnier- how are dogs so chill? The cat seems to be thinking along the lines of, “What the heck are you doing?!!!!” whilst if the dog could talk, he would probably be saying, “Lets get this over with.” This dog is the master of cool.

2. Over it
It’s been exactly two hours, twenty four minutes and fifteen seconds since he was last fed, and this cat is running on empty. In fact, he’s practically wasting away, and he needs to show his owners just how terrible they are for not feeding him on demand. He is too weak to make any requests, but the little paw is pointing in the direction of his food bowl: “Food… please?!”

3. Can we go back inside now?
This cat’s face clearly shows that she’s thinking, “So this is snow? I don’t like it one bit. Get it off, get it oooooffffff!” The poor kitty is going have to be de-iced as soon as she gets back inside. We have to say, though, with that thick, bushy fur, she’s definitely prepared for the cold weather.

4. “My Cat Disapproves Of Human-Dog Love. I Didn’t Even Know She Could Do That Face.”
Something everyone should know about cats, is that they’re not going to be second best to anybody- especially not a big, smelly dog. This cat is already plotting on ways to get rid of the brown-nosing dog once and for all, and she doesn’t care who knows about it. “Just wait till you sleep, I’ll puke in all your shoes!”

5. “Never Let Go, Rose, Never Let Go…”
In reality, this cat is slipping slowly from the couch- but in his head, he’s hanging above the icy water in the titanic, or clinging onto the rocks and begging Scar for mercy in The Lion King. This dramatic boy is clearly a natural in front of the camera. Someone give him an acting job already!

6. “Baby Don’t Leave Me!”
If you’re looking for an example of an overly-attached kitty relationship, here you go. Though who knows- we could be witnessing the aftermath of a pretty nasty argument here. “I’m sorry! I was drunk and high on catnip! It was a one night stand! It was a mistake! I’ll never do it again, I swear, I SWEAR! Please please don’t go!”

7. The Scream: Cat addition
No wonder this cat looks so terrified, when there’s an unidentifiable pink thing flying towards her. Is it simply a piece of ham, or a rogue chunk from another universe? We have so many questions.

There’s about one hundred different scenarios that could have been the cause of this cat’s post-scratch emotional outburst. Maybe he just found out that his owner has put him on a diet. Maybe he’s learnt that the puppy isn’t a visitor and it’s here to stay. Or maybe he simply needs a nap.

9. “Took Porkchop To The Vet Today. This Was The Before And After Pics. This Was The Look I Got The Entire Ride Home.”
The pic on the left shows a happy, optimistic kitty who thinks that with his harness on, he may even be simply going for a walk. But the pic on the right shows the aftermath of the owner’s betrayal: the cat is thinking of all the dark and sinister things its going to do upon arriving home.

10. “We Forgot To Tell Our Cat That We Had A Baby.”
This cat is clearly used to being the baby of the house, and she doesn’t like having to share her attention with anyone else. The look on her face clearly says, “What am I meant to do with this thing? And why is it so noisy?” Just wait until she realizes that the baby is here to stay.

11. Bath time
This poor bedraggled creature is a perfect example of why we don’t bathe our own cat- they HATE it. We can’t help laughing at this picture though, as with that fierce expression this kitty is giving us Disney villain vibes. Now someone dry him off!

12. Let. Me. In.
There’s nothing cats hate more than getting soaked (see previous post) so leaving them out in the rain really is the ultimate betrayal. Not that we’re innocent here at all- who else has been sitting inside enjoying the warmth and coziness of their house before realizing that their cat is out in the rain? We certainly have, and they’re never best pleased about it.

13. Best friends
We don’t know the story here, but this picture totally melts our hearts. If these cats are both up for adoption, then we hope that they’re able to find a forever home together! They clearly can’t stand to be apart.

14. “Who, me???”
We’ve never seen a cat clutch their pearls before… That is until today, anyway. This little guy has a look of utter shock/disgust on his face, and the paw over the heart really adds to the drama of the moment. We wonder what he was thinking about?

15. Give me ATTENTION!
Cat owners know that if you try to do something that doesn’t involve your cat, it’s likely that they’ll wriggle their way in somehow. Though we have to say, we’re not sure who was more terrified about the head through the newspaper situation. Maybe he’s just noticing the recent stock report?

16. Morning yoga, cat style.
We will always secretly envy how flexible cats are, but this dramatic kitty is taking yoga to a whole new level. He looks like he’s starring in a musical and is about to burst into song about his undying love for the neighbor’s cat.

17. Spider-cat
It’s not even raining here, but this cat has had enough of being outside. He wants to be let in so that he can beg for food, before begging to be let out again. Remember when you adopted a cat because you thought they weren’t needy animals? Yep, us too.

18. When your favorite TV show ends
This cat has spent too much time watching her dad on this couch, and now he’s gone off to work again she can do a perfect impression of his mid-afternoon couch-naps. She’s even prepared enough to leave the TV remote close to her, in case somebody even dares to try and change the channel. She wasn’t asleep, she was just resting her eyes.

19. Triumphant Cat
This cat is either really happy to be standing on a dinner plate, or maybe there’s a moth up in the lampshade that’s just out of his reach. Of course, he could just be showing off those adorable tummy markings. It looks like he’s wearing a little white dress!

20. “Thank you for rescuing me!”
Okay, we know we go on about cats being overdramatic, but we think in this case, the cat is allowed to show a little emotion. This incredible picture shows the aftermath of a cat being pulled from a burning building, and we can’t even imagine what’s going through the brave kitty’s head right now. He’s definitely down to his last life! What a hero the fireman is for rescuing him.

21. “I said, close the door when you leave!”
This cat is doing a perfect impression of us when we hear our alarm go off in the morning. Eyes closed, blindly trying to hit the snooze button. “Just ten more minutes!”

22. “Cannot un-see.”
From the look of this cat’s bottle-brush tail, he’s clearly seen something that he doesn’t like. Though, knowing cats and their general dramatic tendencies, he might have simply spotted his least favorite neighborhood bird. No fear, for he’s about to show them who’s boss!

23. “Seeing As The Weather Is Nice, I Took My Indoor Cat-Boy Out To Sit By The River For The First Time. He Was Very Confused.”
Indoor cats have the perks of being warm and cozy, like, all the time, taking multiple naps whenever they like, and not being at risk of being hit by a car. They lead a pretty sheltered life where everything looks and smells familiar, so taking an indoor cat outside for the first time is bound to be a little freaky. So would we say this dramatic face is justified? Maybe.

24. “The Face Your Cat Gives You After You Forget About Him Being Outside All Night.”
There’s nothing worse than waking in the morning and suddenly bolting upright as you realize that you accidentally left your cat out all night. The guilt tripping you receive for the rest of the day really isn’t worth the mistake. Only extra kitty treats will sort this one out.

25. “Interesting…”
Something that cats are known for doing is staring intently at blank walls, and we often wonder what they can see that we can’t. Some people believe that cats have a sixth sense and can see creepy paranormal things- but truth be told, a lot of the time our cats are definitely just derping out.

26. “Don’t do it!”
On the surface, it looks as if this cat is about to be run over in the most dramatic way possible, but in actual fact, he’s just a mechanic. “You need new brakes, buddy, and a wheel alignment. It’s gonna cost you about $800 or so. Might as well get an oil change too while we’re at it!”

27. “I Introduced My Cat To My Newborn Daughter.”
As far as first meetings go, we’re not sure that this one was a success. The cat is quickly learning that he is no longer his human’s only baby, and it’s a painful realization. Quick, someone get the catnip.

28. “Apparently The Cat Doesn’t Like Rain.”
He might be yowling to come in now, but he was the one who slunk out there in the first place- and in true cat fashion, he only wanted to come back in once the door was closed. And yes, the owner called to him for a good five minutes. Cats will be cats.

29. “The True [Overly Dramatic] PC Master Race Cat.”
If this cat could talk, he would be saying: “If only SOMEONE would pet me. But whom? And when? I can not answer these mysteries. If only someone else could, aren’t I correct, human companion?” Luckily, it just takes one quick paw flick before the cord is cutely disconnected. Cat: 1, Human: 0.

30. “When You Catch Your Roommate Eating Your Ice Cream.”
No college experience is complete without your roommate stealing your food, and when that happens to be your super-pricey Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, it’s time for all hell to break loose. They promise they’ll pay you back, but you both know that isn’t going to happen.

31. Cat with suctions
Now that we’re working from home, life has become very confusing for our pet. It’s like we’re there, but we’re not. Let’s face it, with our laptops on our knee and a strict deadline to stick to, we can’t give quite as much attention to our fur babies- and they hate it.
“Hey, is it my turn yet? You’ve been on that damned laptop all morning!”

32. “Draw me like one of your French kitties.”
This little poser is all ready to model on the covers on Vogue, darling. Apparently, she poses like this whenever her owner pulls out a her phone to take a pic. Someone get her a modelling contract already!

33. A romantic duet
There’s so much going on in this picture, it’s like the more we look at it, the funnier it gets. Is the cat scared of the dog? Is the dog scared of the cat? Could that be why he’s found a safe spot under his blanket? We have so many questions.

34. You Call This a Christmas Tree??
Everyone knows that Christmas trees are a cat’s favorite thing. In fact, nothing says Christmas like our cat climbing up the Christmas tree, detaching a million baul bauls and accidentally swallowing some tinsel before proceeding to pull the whole tree over. So this cat is probably ever so slightly disappointed that he can’t cause the same levels of destruction on this tiny excuse for a tree.

35. “Leave me alone.”
We’ve all been there- when you come home from a particularly exhausting day at work and you’re craving for a moment’s peace and quiet that you’ll probably never get. In fact, this is an exact replica of we look like when we’re showering, so we certainly can relate to this cat. Though let’s face it, who’s likely to have had the most difficult day?

36. “How could you betray me like this?!”
The great thing about cats is that they come with a self-cleaning tongue that does the job better than any bath or shower would. But in saying that, some humans still insist on putting these poor kitties in the sink for a wash! His face says it all.

37. “Gave My Cat A Bath, This Is How He Looked At Me For The Rest Of The Night.”
This is the kind of look that makes you sleep with one eye open at night. Apparently, this poor guy was a stray who had been rescued from the street, so he was a little bit smelly! We can make an exception for this one, then.

38. “Don’t Leave Meeee!”
When the day finally comes for us to head back to work in the office, we can imagine this being the exact reaction our cat will give. They pretend they hate you whenever you’re around, yet they never want you to leave. What a little drama queen.

39. “Oh ha, ha, very funny.”
We don’t know the context of this photo- but if we had to guess, we’d say that the cat on the right has just finished telling a particularly unfunny joke. Meanwhile, the cat on the left has heard it all before. “Just give it a rest, Clive, okay?”

40. “Marco Realized We’re Going To The Vet.”
There’s nothing cats hate more about going to the vets. They get poked and prodded with needles, their mouths get opened, and their claws get trimmed. For our cat, who’s an avid vet hater, the vets is like entering into enemy territory, and sitting in the waiting room with multiple other cats that they can’t even sink their claws into is literal torture. So with that in mind, we totally understand the drama associated in this photo.

41. Contemplating the meaning of life
You know when you’re sad, and then you listen to sad music to make yourself even sadder? Then you end up lying in bed, contemplating life and pretending you’re in a music video. Just us?

42. “Look out below!”
Either the black kitty is flying his new, cat-shaped kite, or we’re just witnessing some serious acrobatic skills on brown kitty’s behalf. It’s a shame that his brother doesn’t look in the mood for a play fight. If he could talk, he would probably be saying, “Larry, are you on catnip again?”

43. No photos please
We all know what if feels like to not be looking our best and have a friend determinedly pointing their phone camera at us trying to snap a pic. “No, Julie, I haven’t done my hair today!” That photo will come back to haunt you every single birthday.

44. After he saw his new toy
Cats and toys are a bit of a funny combination. Whilst dogs are grateful for just about anything you buy for them, cats often prefer the box that the thing came in over the actual item. But on the rare occasion, we do find something that our cats like to play with- and when that happens, the cats are clearly more shocked than us.

45. “Don’t talk to me.”
One thing we’ve learnt about cats is that they don’t like to be moved- even when it’s them that’s sitting in an inconvenient spot. “I don’t care if its laundry day. I get off when I’m done sittin’ here.”

46. It’s 5 o’clock somewhere in the world
The life of a cat can be incredibly stressful. They have the important duties of watching birds from the window, bullying the dog, and making sure their human gets absolutely nothing productive done during the day, so of course they have to crack open the wine at the end of the day.

47. When you can’t get a moment’s peace and quiet
We have to say, we can relate to this cat on an emotional level. He just looks done with the world, and all he wants to do is have a good ol’ cat nap, but the dratted dog just won’t stop barking.

48. First time in the snow
This cat seems to be having major regrets about letting his owner convince him to go out in the snow. “What on Earth is all this white stuff? Why is it so cold?? Why are my paws all wet???”

49. “If I fits, I sits.”
Cats are determined to fit in the most uncomfortable spots, and if that means lying in the bed that he outgrew over two years ago, then that’s what he’s going to do. Who cares that his mom bought him a brand new, adult-sized bed? If he wants to sit here, then here he’ll sit.

50. The old “cat sat on my homework” trick
This cat is a reflection of anybody’s mood when they have to do homework. If he could talk, he would be saying, “Stop with the boring old scribbling now. It’s time to give me some attention.”

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