We just could not get our cats sometimes. There are times when they are absolute angels, but suddenly we realize that we are actually raising a little devil at our home. Unlike dogs, cats would not hesitate to do the jerkiest things on earth. Here are fifty jerk cats who could probably make you rethink why you got a cat in the first place.
1. This is my car now
The story about how this whole scenario happened is purely hilarious. This couple was on their way to their friend’s wedding when they decided to switch drivers on the side of the road. One second the owners stepped out of their car, their cat managed to lock the door, locking his owners out of their own car.
2. Freeloading kitty cat
This cat jerk loves to roam around the streets and into other people’s houses and asks for food. The owners literally had to engrave his tag with a warning telling people not to feed him or else he’ll stay forever. This is one instance where some stranger had the owner’s cat staying over.
3. Reason why some cat owners can’t have plants
As much as some people want plants inside the house, they would probably not last long with hard-headed cats. This cat could not just resist putting his claws onto every plant inside the house. Even the one hanging up the chandelier could not escape from its grip.
4. The toilet paper rolls are in danger!
Once we know our cats are obsessed with something, they will never stop making a mess with it. This cat’s owner tried to hide his stash of toilet paper because his cat kept ripping them apart. Unfortunately, this wise feline managed to find the treasure and he is so happy about it too!
5. No one can stop him from stealing the eggs
What a yummy bowl of food, especially the soft-boiled eggs are tempting. However, the eggs are just too tempting that this cat cannot resist getting his fangs on one slice. Even when he was caught in the act, this cat continued to hold on to it.
6. Poor Max
I wonder what this cat named Max did that he got banned from the library? It seemed like they are too desperate to keep poor Max away. Just don’t let Max enter the library. Period.
7. I think his hooman is in danger
This cat seemed to want to kill his owner or something. Here’s a tip: Change cats or run away from home. Fortunately, this cat was caught red-handed in an attempt of doing such a heinous act.
8. Grudgeful cat
Cats are pure evil especially when it comes to revenge. Perhaps this cat was fed late or his owner forgot to feed him at all that he decided to execute his revenge by pissing on the rice. “You won’t be eating this time, hooman.”
9. Always close your doors with a cat inside the house
You can never have any privacy if you own cats. Just look at the mess when these cats managed to enter the shower. One immediately jumped and tried to rip the shower curtains apart, while the other was watching the chaos.
10. “Step on me, you won’t.”
I do not know what this cat is trying to achieve but he was just lying down the stairs, menacingly. It is as if he was trying to say, “Step on me, or fall down the stairs, you choose.” What was even more dangerous is that he perfectly camouflaged into the steps.
11. A cat’s fancy salad bed
Everything is a bed to cats, and your salad is apparently no exception. This cat somehow found his comfort spot at a bed of salad. Now, everything is ruined, and the owner is plainly clueless on how to get his cat off his salad.
12. Leaving pawprints for the future
Since ancient times, when people were laying bricks or cement, cats have been around to step on it and leave their pawprints. In modern times, they step on wet paint and walk around like nothing. In the future, people could see the marks that felines left on the face of the earth.
13. He likes it asymmetrical
This cat’s owner wanted to arrange the picture frames but his cat does not want to. Whenever his owner tries to reach and straighten the picture frames on his wall, this cat goes and rearranges them according to his liking. Who’s really the boss in this house anyway?
14. Cat is apparently not stuck
You ever worry about seeing a cat looking stuck on the window or something. However, sometimes, what you see is not really what it means. Just like this cat whose owners had to put up a sign saying he is not stuck. Perhaps he is just comfortable being in that tricky situation.
15. That smirk of victory
Electronic cables and wires should always be protected. If not, you are going to have to deal with ripped copper wires and half-nibbled rubber. This cat was caught ripping out an earphone’s wire but he is actually so proud about it.
16. Indecent cat at zoom class
This cat is not ashamed of showing his butthole in front of his owner’s classmates and teacher during her zoom class. The girl could not help but laugh at her cat’s silliness. I just hope that the indecency did not get the girl off the class.
17. Cat stole the last piece of puzzle
Just imagine yourself fixing a puzzle but the last piece just magically went missing. You would even think about using the company for giving an unsolvable puzzle. However, sometimes, a naughty cat is just responsible for the last piece.
18. Did someone lose their keys?
Some cats just love roaming around and scavenges for random things to take back home. May it be a stick or a dead rat, however, this cat is purely unique. This cat took someone’s keys back home. Just imagine the panic on the person’s face when he realized his keys went missing.
19. Badass cat can’t be stopped with signs
The office cat is a pure badass. He would always sit on the cake that the office employees bring. Because of that, they decided to just put up a sign telling them to put their food in a high place. Unfortunately, this cat would still climb up just to sit on it.
20. This diet is not going well
Going on a diet does not end well for some of us, and apparently, this cat just decided to give up on his diet. The cat would knock down trash cans and push off things on the floor just so he could tell his owner that he hates every bit of it. I wonder how his diet ended.
21. My bed now, bunny
The cat decided that the bunny’s cage looked comfortable, and he made himself at home. The bunny wasn’t sure what to do about his predicament!
22. Cat blocking down the airways during sleeping
This cat’s owner wondered why he cannot breathe in the middle of the night during his sleep. Therefore, he tried setting up a camera to find the cause. Apparently, it was his jerk cat who loves sitting on top of his owner’s face.
23. No means no
Ever find a cat who just prevents you from getting a job done? Well, this one prevents literally from doing their jobs by saying an angry “No.” Even the workers wrote a complaint about the cat who denied them from getting their work done.
24. I won’t be surprised if the house burns down
Ellory Smith shared on Twitter how she found her cat managed to turn on the gas stove’s knob. Moreover, she found out that her naughty cat turns it on whenever they’re asleep. They should probably cat-proof the stove before the house burns down.
25. Lost cat?
This owner’s cat’s missing was lost one day and because of it, he tried to do things that may help him find the cat. His initial plan was to put up flyers on every post just to get everybody’s attention. However, as the first batch was printing, he found his cat lying down on one of the flyers. The jerk really got his owner’s worried for nothing.
26. Pushing things off is a cat’s job
Cats just love pushing things off out of the table or on any ledges. They would push things from cups, computer mice, and apparently, this cat pushed a whole TV off its stand. Perhaps their curious minds urged them to test gravity themselves.
27. Spoiled and demanding feline
Some cats may despise being held too much but there are some who want your hands to be on them all the time that it just becomes exhausting. Once you feed this cat with food and water, it would immediately jump into your lap and wait for you to pet him. What a spoiled child he is.
28. This is how cat’s give presents
Our pets show their own way of appreciation towards us but sometimes we admit that it gets a little weird. With cats, in exchange for our kindness, they would offer one of their hunts. This one owner was just surprised to see his cat leave a dead rat in his shoe, not knowing if it was a reward or a threat.
29. Is this some kind of threat?
It is painfully amazing to know that a mere cat could just break an expensive Macbook screen with its fangs. For example, this certain cat seemed to be threatening his owner or something. “You see what I can do to your Macbook, hooman? You’ll be next if you won’t feed me at the right time.”
30. Just a slice
The expression “cat burglar” really fits them. Just look at this cat trying to get a slice at his owner’s pizza. The cheeky feline even tries to get his claws on a slice, desperate to have a bite of the yummy feast in front of him.
31. Morning ruined
Imagine yourself having a cup of coffee then your cat comes in to dip his tail on your cup. It is just infuriating to have a morning as bad as this. Moreover, the cat does not even care to move his tail away.
32. What in the heavens…
Cats are known to be one of the best grooming animals, which is why they sometimes do not need our help in bathing them. However, some cats are just slobs who roll over on anything they find interesting. This jerk cat rolled outside a bunch of fallen leaves and did not even bother to clean up.
33. He’s so proud, the evil thing
This cat’s owners forget to feed him for the day that they came back home to see the mess it made. The cat threw a fit by ripping out the bread’s plastic bag and taking a nibble on each of them. As the cat got his sweet revenge, he just lies there satisfied with what he did.
34. “You shouldn’t be doing puzzles on my table”
Doing puzzles with a cat present is a bad idea. The man spent weeks trying to finish the puzzle but it took a second for his cat to destroy all his hard work. The cat got his well-deserved spot while his owner is wailing at the ruined jigsaw puzzle on the floor.
35. He just wanted to go with his owners
A man was driving down to work when he was astonished by the sudden “meow” sound on his backseat. He turned back to see the cheeky cat who managed to sneak in into the car without his knowledge. The owner then shamed his cat by sharing his crime on the internet.
36. Daredevil cat
Do you ever get mini heart attacks because of your fearless cats? For example, this cat had the guts to walk at thin bars on a higher floor. Although they could easily land on their feet in case something happens, an anxious owner would probably end up fainted after that.
37. Another morning ruined
Waking up to another fresh day is a big relief. One would probably be working on their toast and butter as early as 6 am. However, one second this man looked away at his perfect breakfast, his cat’s ass was already perfectly placed on top of the toast’s surface.
38. Can’t even poop in peace
I have said before that you cannot just have any privacy at home with cats around. Another example is this cat who went inside the restroom with his owner. Her human was just trying to unload on the toilet but her cat decided to play with her hair to fight the boredom.
39. Toilet paper monster
Someone walks into their cat wrapped in toilet paper in the corner of the restroom. The silly cat locked eyes with his owner as they caught him in the act. His guilty face says it all, though it seemed like the whole toilet paper mess she made simply was not enough for him.
40. Never leave your phone unattended
A friendship was ruined after a man leaves his phone screen on the bed as he went out for a second or two. The man just found a friend of his blocking him on social media after sending a bunch of “Like” buttons without any context. The culprit was already caught through – his cat.
41. Switched roles
Just like any other pets, this one despises going to the vet. This cat owner tried to bring his cat to the vet one day, but he ended up receiving a scratch scar on his nose instead. In the end, the cat did not get to the vet but his owner surely did go to the hospital that day.
42. Rude neighbor
Just like us, our cats have rude neighbors. There was this one outdoor cat who just goes up and lets his head slip in the window just to scream at the cat inside. I wonder how this little fiasco started.
43. A clever trick to wake hoomans up
Cats always remember their feeding clock and sometimes they take an effort just to try and wake us up in the morning. However, this little fella does not want to do it the easy way. Instead, he goes to the baby room to wake the little human on the crib, and it becomes his victory when his parents come running down to check on the child.
44. “If I fits, I sits”
Just why do cats love every tight space in the world. This cat definitely had no shame in welcoming himself in a bag of bread placed on the table. His owner spent a minute or two looking at his cat in confusion and probably a hint of anger.
45. Squirt water to scare them away
This cat owner just cannot eat in peace as his cat always tries to take a bite of it. His clever solution, a water gun. That way, he could just threaten or scare away his scavenger cat whenever it steps paws on the dining table.
46. Cat steals someone’s BBQ
Cats are probably nature’s burglars as their nimble feet help them get the job done. This cat happened to get a whiff of his neighbor’s barbeque outside his home and decided to check it out. The cat comes back home with a sausage in its mouth, almost looking proud of his hunt.
47. Cats will never let you work at home in peace
Working at home with cats is an absolute wreck. Some would try to get your attention in various ways, even as shameless as sitting on top of your laptop or in this cat’s case, trying to break the computer’s monitor. They may be adorable at times but most times, they are absolute monsters.
48. Succulent pest
This person was trying to find out the pest who was eating the tips on his succulent. Unfortunately, that person found no luck at all. It just happened one day when he finally caught a glimpse of the true pest – his own cat.
49. Why some cannot finish their projects on time
I do not know why in almost everything we do, there is a cat who goes in and tries to ruin things, even our time. This person was working on a sketch when a little devil decided to hop in and nap on his notebook. If someone tries to blame their cat for their delay, believe them.
50. The mark of a true cat person
Finally, there is nothing jerkier than a cat leaving at least one scratch on your body. Despite their adorable front, these cats could easily have your skin bleed in a second with their sharp claws. Moreover, having these battle scars is just normal for cat owners so you’ll know when you see one.
That was the end of our list. These are probably just their way of showing their affection or perhaps, showing us who is the real boss at the house. Besides, when you decided to get a cat, you may have just well accepted the fact that these adorable creatures are the ones who will run your house!
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