One of the things we love the most about their dog is their happy and joyful personalities – but just like us, humans, dogs can also get into a bad mood. And for some reason, a dog in a bad mood is so much funnier than a human in a bad mood. Their indignant little sulky faces look so hilariously comical that we just can’t help loving our dogs even more, regardless of whether they’re in the mood to love us back.
The latest hashtag, #grumpydogchallenge, first cropped up on Facebook in around November time – and after the year we’ve all had, it was a brilliant way to put a smile on our faces. Using the hashtag, people submit hilarious pictures of their dogs pulling the grumpiest of faces, and to pass on the laughter, we decided to share the best 50 pups who won the “grumpy dog photo challenge” with you.
1. “Honey is not a fan of Halloween. She doesn’t wanna taco bout it.”
This dog’s preferred Halloween aesthetic is more of a ‘slutty cat’, but her mom insisted on putting her in the most uncool, cringeworthy outfit. She thinks she looks ridiculous – but we’d argue that she looks ridiculously cute. “Mom, was there really any need for putting me in this dumb costume?”

2. “I went through nearly 16,000 photos to find this! I win.”
Where have we seen this look before? Oh yeah, this is the face that your partner wakes up to after a night of them keeping you up with their snoring. Not. Impressed.

3. “Stupid sun.”
This dog is outright sick of the sun getting in her face when she’s trying to look out of the window. All she wants to do is do a bit of squirrel spotting, but the sun is intent on practically blinding her. Someone make it go away!

4. He doesn’t like his outfit
It’s unclear whether this outfit was actually made for dogs (granted, dogs with really long legs) or whether this dog is wearing a human’s t-shirt. Either way, he isn’t happy about it. His fur is more than enough to keep him warm, and he doesn’t need anything else on top, thank you very much.

5. The Chuckle Brothers
For those of you who aren’t from the UK, the Chuckle Brothers are two jokesters who have their one TV show where they’re constantly getting themselves into silly situations. How different do you think the show would be with these two dogs as the stars? They’d have to rename it to “The Grumpy Brothers.”

6. “This is Knödel [Noodle] and she’s got problems with you people and you’re going to hear about them.”
This dog has a permanent case of the puppy dog face, and we’re pretty confident that he uses this to his full advantage. Not got his own way? All he has to do is simply look at his owners. His facial expression alone is enough to get him whatever he likes.

7. “Arch is not a fan of hooman’s new hair…”
Dogs are like children- they don’t like change. Roots or no roots showing, mommy’s old hair was perfect as it was, and he doesn’t understand why she has to go making herself look all different. Her hair even smells different.

8. “I was giving her too many kisses…”
If you think that dogs are always after love and affection, then think again. This dog is actually sulking because his mom invaded his personal space for far too long. Get the hint, Debera.

9. “When the human is watching a scary movie and the lady just keeps screaming…”
He doesn’t know whether to be scared, or excited, or annoyed. Or all three. Why does the silly lady insist on making such a racket? Yet he gets told off if he lets out the tiniest bark…

10. “I woke him up for snuggles and he was not pleased. “
Dogs feel that they’re perfectly entitled to wake their human up at all hours, even if they simply want to play. But if a human tries to disturb them from their nap, then prepare to feel the wrath of the devil. How dare they wake him up for snuggles!

11. We wonder what he did
Siblings don’t always get on, and this chihuahua might be smaller than his sister, but that face means danger. The sassy pup is named Charlie, and according to his owner, the reason why he’s so grumpy is because his sister, Daisy, sat on him. Ah, the day in the life of a dog…

12. Flux the emotional support dog
There’s actually a really sweet story behind this photo!
According to the owner, “before this photo was taken, my daughter and I were doing her math assignment for school. I was messing with her and pushing her, play fighting. Flux got upset WITH ME because I was “hurting her” so he laid down on the ottoman on top of her school work and huffed at me.
Then he pushed her away from me and was nuzzling into her because he wanted a hug. He wanted to make sure she was okay! As part of his training! When she leaned into him, she gave him a kiss. He hates getting kisses but loves giving kisses. So he grumbled at her. To which her response was “oh flux knock it off and love me.” Then she wrapped her arms around him and he smiled.”

13. He didn’t want to go potty in that spot
Every dog owner knows that feeling when your walk is coming to an end and your dog still hasn’t done his business. It’s then time to stand in a grassy corner and attempt some words of encouragement before you head home. Something that this grumpy dog isn’t too pleased about.

14. “The day the vet told Peach she was too chunky and that cheese was canceled forever.”
This dog loves cheese just like we love wine, and imagine her absolute horror when she realized that she was no longer allowed to have any. We don’t blame her to be honest. That’s practically animal abuse.

15. “Billy, my sweet boy with the perpetual frown.”
We’re not sure if this dog looks permanently grumpy, or permanently shocked- though to be honest, we’d look the same way if we caught ourselves in the mirror dressed in an outfit like that. Just look at that bright red hairstyle!

16. “Kingston’s entry for the grump dog challenge!”
This is the sassiest face we’ve ever seen on a dog, and we’re here for it. This funny pup often has an attitude- and he wants his owners to know about it. This dog can pull off a better sneer than we can.

17. “Poor baby girl has to be sedated to get her nails trimmed and she always wakes up confused and crying. So we swaddled her to help her feel safe.”
Dogs are known for being extra when it comes to having their nails trimmed, but this dramatic dog takes things to a whole new level. We can’t get over how hilariously adorable she looks swaddled up like a baby! It’s hard to take her grumpy mood seriously when she looks so cute.

18. “This is his mood 24/7.”
Life as a dog is hard. Not only do you have to wait for dinner time, but you can’t just go out for a walk whenever you fancy it, and your owner has this horrible thing called ‘work’ which takes up far too much of their time. This dog is truly fed up with life, and he wants everyone to know about it.

19. “What my now boyfriend woke up to the first night Sonny and I stayed over at his house years ago! Not impressed another boy was in bed with his Mammy!”
When your dog is used to being solely your baby, learning that they have to share you with someone else is a hard pill to swallow. This dog isn’t happy at all about his owner’s new boyfriend, and if she expects him to be nice to him, then she’d got another thing coming. The audacity.

20. Peach: “Dis dog is an imposter, not doin a heckin cute like me mom.. here let me get rid of dat for u”
This dog may look like he’s being aggressive, but he’s simply warning his mom and dad that there’s a potentially dangerous stuffed animal right next to them who’s pretending to be him. “Mom, Dad, he’s an imposter!”

21. Sulky Barkly

22. “Here’s Ralphie.”
Ralphie isn’t a fan of being in the car. He hates all of the stopping and starting, and he can’t understand why he can’t stick his head out of the window like other dogs can (his mom says he’s too small). With an expression like he’s just sucked a sour lemon, Ralphie is hoping that he will be able to change his mom’s mind.

23. “Finally, franklin’s time to shine.”
Franklin just can’t understand why his owners would rather watch TV than give him all of their attention. What could be more interesting than playing with him? So heckin’ rude.

24. “I’ve done the math. We can’t afford the cat.”
This dog is a Karen if we ever saw one, and could probably get you fired. With his glasses and his notepad and pen, it’s clear that he means business- and if a cat dares to step foot in the house, then just wait and see what will happen. He refuses to share his owners’ attention with anyone.

25. “Puchi, five months old and not impressed.”
Your first time taking your dog to the beach is meant to be one of those memorable experiences that stays with you for life. But this dog’s owners might have hyped up the beach just a little too much… “You mean, this is it?? We drove all this way for a giant puddle?”

26. “The face you make when you want Pizza Hut and mum tells you there’s frozen pizza at home.”
Takeaway pizzas and oven pizzas might as well not be the same thing. Everyone knows that takeaway pizzas are the elite, and it’s incredibly disappointing when mom thinks that you’ll make do with something that’s come from the freezer. This dog is a perfect illustration of how we look when we think about an oven pizza.

27. “He’s normally calm, cool and sleeping…”
These dogs are friends most of the time, but they sure know how to get on each other’s nerves. According to the owner, doodle mix puppy, Mardi, who’s only 1, was way too much for her old man, Luka, to handle- and he just wanted to be left alone. They’re buds now, but it took a while.

28. “Bought me and Charlie matching Christmas jumpers. Just tried it on him to make sure it fits. Definitely a grumpy sprout.”
Have you ever seen a sweater more suiting for a dog before? This little dog is indeed a grumpy sprout, and we only wish that we could have seen his mom’s matching sweater. These guys win Christmas!

29. “Two types of drunk friends.”
The dog on the right is the perfect little model- until she’s had enough. Taking photos gets boring real quick, and she’s not shy about letting her owners know how she feels. Meanwhile, her brother on the left is not amused…

30. “We recently did our pregnancy announcement and included our dogs, Charles & Sophia. They look less than thrilled lol.”
We went full a full range of emotions when we saw this picture. At first glance, it looked like a cute Halloween snap, then we read the caption and thought “aww!” Then, when our attention turned to the two little grumpy dogs, we just couldn’t stop laughing. We’re guessing they’re not too pleased about getting a human sibling?

31. “Ash doesn’t approve of me pretending to throw the ball.”
It might be a little cruel, but there’s no denying that it’s great fun to pretend to throw a tennis ball and watch your dog run after it. But our pooches are getting smarter, and after a while of doing this, they may start to become suspecting. If their face resembles Ash’s, then maybe it’s time for a new game.

32. That side-eye
Whatever this dog’s owner did to him, one thing’s for certain: he’s not happy about it. We’ve only ever seen this sideways look in grumpy humans before, so it’s hilarious that this little guy has mastered his own little glare. He looks positively terrifying.

33. *Silently judging you from corner*
This dog’s deeply suspicious expression looks as if she’s sucked on some sour candy. “I’m watching YOU! Yes, YOU there. You think I don’t know what you’re getting up to!?”

34. I’ve had this picture of Duke for a few years now but it is PERFECT for the #disapprovingdogchallenge
This dog has the exact same expression that we do on a Monday morning, and not even a cup of coffee can do much for his mood. “Ugh! how many times do I have to tell you… NO… we cannot get a cat…”

35. The suspicious/ evil look
“If you are looking for ransom I can tell you I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you… I can bark, and bark, and bark….”

36. He’s not amused
This dog simply cannot understand why his mom and dad feel the need to have a human baby. Surely he could be better than any little crying, wriggly thing. Don’t worry doggy, they still love you lots.

37. No makeup
This dog looks like us when we remove all of our mascara after a long day- and he seems just about as done with the world as we are, too. Despite the grumpy expression, we’re pretty much just in love with this little guy. Can we come round and give him a cuddle?

38. “Freddy is NOT pleased with how late we kept him up last night.”
Dogs are actually a big fan of routines- and since they’re incredibly loyal, when their humans stay up late or get up early, so does the dog. But that doesn’t mean they will be too happy about it.

39. The look of disapproval
It goes without saying that chihuahuas are the best at giving disapproving looks. This little guy simply cannot understand why his dad has dressed him in such a silly hat. “Take it off, or there will be consequences…”

40.You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch.
If there was ever a dog who hated Christmas more than any other dog, then we think we’ve found him. This dog hates the tree, he hates the presents, and he hates his outfit. All he wants is for this whole palaver to be over, and for things to go back to normal.

41. “Beans was not impressed I woke her up for training this morning.”
We’ve said it before, and we’ve said it again, dogs absolutely hate being woken up from nap time. Unless you come bearing treats or new toys, then be prepared to get a similar scathing look to this one. We’re guessing that training isn’t his favorite thing in the world…

42. Grumpy hipster dog
If you’ve never seen a hipster dog before, then behold. He’s certainly a winner in the best beard and mustache combination, and his hair is something else! For some reason, he isn’t looking best pleased though.

43. He’s not a fan of car journeys
Here’s another dog who straight-up hates being in the car. Walks are so much fun, and he can’t understand why he can’t just walk everywhere. “I better be going to the dog park… I did not wake up this early to be going to the vet…”

44. He just woke up
This dog looks so human-like that it’s almost creepy! Those are the most human-like eyes, and lower lip we have ever seen on a dog. He looks the spitting image of a grumpy old man.

45. “My 13 1/2 year old girl Boop did not approve of 1. Her haircut 2. The camera.”
This old girl has decided that she’s had a few too many trips to the groomers in her lifetime, and she doesn’t want any more, than you. And with that in mind, when she comes home from the groomers, the last thing she wants is a camera pointed at her face. These silly humans…

46. “I took away a shoe he was chewing…”
This dog may be little, but he’s fierce- and his owner will have to face the consequences of taking away the shoe. His face clearly says, “I am so disappointed in you. And I’ll be getting back that chew toy -sorry, shoe- as soon as your back is turned.

47. She didn’t want to sit
This dog knows that she has to sit for a treat, but today, that felt like too much effort. Why can’t she just get a treat for doing nothing every now and then? “Hiding the biscuit in your closed hand… How original.”

48. Unhappy pumpkin
Another day, another ridiculously adorable Halloween costume. And while the dog looks less than impressed, we can’t get over how darn cute this is! “You know I’m going to get back at you for this, don’t you?”

49. “Arya got groomed. She doesn’t mind the grooming so much anymore, but my insistence at making her pose for photos afterward turns her into a grumpy Dobby.”
Getting groomed is such a traumatic experience for this dog, that she expects her dinner bowl to be full the minute she gets home. After all, there’s nothing like the comfort of a bowl full of crunchy biscuits. “Where is my food? I went through hell on earth just then and you have nothing prepared for me? Bad hooman.”

50. “Judging you.”
This dog looks tired, but also judgemental. It’s like he had a dream that you were mean to him, and now he’s trying to figure out whether it actually happened or not. He’s sleeping with one eye open from now on.

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