All dogs believe they are lap dogs, even if they weigh 150 pounds (especially if they weigh 150 pounds!).
They were all once little puppies and it’s hard for them to outgrow the habits of jumping on our laps or trying to snuggle up in a little dog bed (or in the crook of our arms in OUR beds).
Big dogs still want our affection and they’re willing to use their size to get it, but they’re also willing to forget all about that when it comes to how they lap it up.
If you’ve ever had a big dog you know exactly what we mean, and these 50+ photos will come as no surprise.
1. Pick me
They’ll even become a lap dog when they’re a bit too big for your lap.
But who could resist this face?
2. Crate trained for life
Dogs will often retreat to their crates when they’re feeling anxious — and if this is the only one around, well…we just hope the owner knows how to open it from the top!
And we hope this dog is just being a goofball and has his own proper-sized hiding spot.
3. Bed or butt cushion?
For some reason, big dogs will often try to use little beds, even when their bed hasn’t been stolen. Maybe they don’t realize how big they’ve become.
Or when this happens, perhaps they feel just as comfortable in a bed “approved” by their plucky little sibling.
4. Let’s dance
It’s not always a great idea unless you can somehow help your dog distinguish the “right” time to do this and remember not to try it with strangers.
But there’s no faulting this big hunk of love who looks perfectly ready to tango.
5. Is there room for me?
Of course there’s room! If not, they’ll make it.
Besides, you can’t have the little dog on the bed and expect the big one to just watch!
6. Baby in arms
But can they touch that alert button to summon an air host or hostess if they catch any bad behavior?
7. Big brothers
The real fun will come when he grows up and STILL tries to cuddle in the same way.
8. Baby of the family
Your far-too-big-for-a-car seat dog.
9. Jowl-sized knee
Saint Bernards are even pretty huge when they’re puppies so we imagine this sweet guy or girl has been allowed up on the couch all along.
10. Mom, carry me
They’re like toddlers — don’t take them anywhere you don’t want to carry them!
11. What’s the difference?
So make sure you have some sturdy furniture there!
12. Big hugs
And they’re usually pretty happy to do it, so watch out.
13. Dad’s lap dog
We love the dirty look this pup is giving the photographer — as if to say “don’t you laugh at me.”
14. My throne
But he seems not to have noticed and is still perfectly happy to use it for naptime.
15. Let’s play
But most of the time big dogs are gentle giants — or they can be (if trained properly).
16. Butts up high
17. Growing up
That’s clearly not enough time to learn that size matters.
18. Seat warmer
Like, they could sit in the chair alone, but it might be cold. Whereas you’re always warm.
You’re a necessary layer.
19. Redefining the lap
On second thought, nevermind. You ALWAYS know your dog is coming right at you.
20. If I fits, I…oh…
We’re pretty sure this bed doesn’t belong to him, but if it does we’d be just as annoyed with our parents.
21. Reserved seating
Or maybe he just really hates it when his owner is on this chair.
22. Like a wrist protector, but not
And Hank is big enough to sit there and not be bothered by any feeble attempts at typing either, so have at it. He’s found a napping spot and he’s keeping it!
23. Devotion
You’ve gotta catch sleep when you can — and in whatever position you can.
24. Look at me, I’m laundry
But let’s face it, we all know it was.
25. Couch bear
Do you think it wants this guy off the couch or is it just sitting down to make polite conversation with the houseguest?
26. That can’t be comfortable
That helps a lot when you tip over in the bed — it means the bed stays on.
27. I hug you
Is this a hug or the beginning of a noogie?
28. Sir, your bath is ready
It’s a good thing the pool “boy” is standing by to constantly add more water since it’s about to get rudely displaced.
29. Hi mom
Once you become a mom you have to get used to your “little” ones climbing all over you. You’re both a superhero AND a seat.
30. Fluffy puppy
Still, he’s perfectly willing to be babied like one!
31. It’s the escape we’re worried about
But we’re interested to know how this pup made its way out of his leather safety fort.
32. Look, I’m a parrot!
I mean, it’s not, but we’re playing along for this pup’s sake.
We think he or she is making it work.
33. Loveseat loafing
While they’re still too big for it, they find it to be the perfect size.
Good luck arguing with them.
34. Everybody in!
You really have to train dogs of any size early and often not to get in the bed and then stand firm on NEVER letting them in.
Otherwise, your doctor isn’t going to be able to help with your insomnia.
35. Table for three
Most are fine if they fit under the table and don’t get underfoot.
And apparently some are fine as long as they’re partially confined to your lap.
We just wouldn’t want to be the person at the next table with a yummy-smelling brunch.
36. What a day!
This big fuzzy doodle found the perfect piece of furniture to dramatically drop down on.
37. Hello friend
We love the way these two are eyeing each other up…we think. Hopefully, that’s not aggression we’re seeing because we’re pretty sure we know who wins.
It’s going to be pretty hard for that little guy to give the big one a “traditional” doggie greeting.
38. How much is his fare?
And this is one seriously good boy who really knows how to behave well.
39. Big boi small bed
But if he’s somehow comfortable in there, then so be it.
40. Lap dog
Or else someone really enjoys cleaning up white dog hair!
41. Rascal
42. Comparing chubby faces
They can be the best protectors though — and sometimes they really like to get a good sniff of their charges.
43. Daddy’s boy
Especially when things are scary and he has to jump up in his arms.
44. Big and bored
Now we just want to know if he can fall asleep like that.
45. Ready to read
Just watch where you puff that smoke.
46. Who’s the boss
We know exactly who the boss is in this situation and exactly what said boss thinks of its canine housemate and its comfort.
47. What personal space?
We’re pretty sure this is entirely fair.
48. Hello fellow kids
They’re going to show up anyway, so you don’t want it to be awkward.
49. Good morning, human
That is precisely the future that you ordered.
50. The great crate
We’d call this a lucky situation for the girl — look at all this love!
51. Dis mine
But let’s face it, this could go either way.
52. This seat is lumpy
Or if he did, it looks like he doesn’t care.
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