All animals are special. But these animals are extraordinarily unique. From dogs with mustaches to albino deer, these animals will have you dropping your jaw. You don’t want to miss this.
You’ve Finally Seen The Real Thing
You know the cartoon picture or silhouette of this guy? He looks like a duck one way and a rabbit the other. I bet you didn’t know that it was real. He’s actually a duck, but you can see the rabbit too.

No Photoshop Here
Many are convinced that this guy is photoshopped or draw on with paint. But he’s all natural. He has round eyebrows and a big red beard. So deal with it and his salt and pepper fur.

Every Kid Loves These
If you were lucky enough to see one of these as a kid, you probably couldn’t stop laughing. The blobfish is one of the “ugliest” creatures in existence. Used in video games like Splatoon and movies like Men In Black 3.

His Paw Is Disappointed
This dog’s face may be as pleased as can be but that’s because all of his sadness and anger is in the pad of his paw. Look at how disappointed the face on his paw looks. He must have to hear that voice all the time.

Reverse Milk Mustache
This sweet boy looks like he got a chocolate milk mustache and an eyepatch. He sure is a cutie and his name is Oscar. He looks so refined as it could be a fancy mustache and monocle.

Kitten With Mittens
There are hundreds of cats named Mittens and this isn’t one of them. His name is Oliver, despite having thumbs, making is mittens look ever so real. Look at how fluffy and unique those paws are.

He Doesn’t Want To Grow Up
This teen Blue Jay still has half of his baby feathers and half of his beautiful blue feathers. It looks like he’s wearing a fur cloak and makes you wonder what that contrast feels like to touch.

Curly Boi
Have you ever seen a curly-haired horse? He has naturally curly hair and is proud as can be of it. I bet he lives somewhere humid which makes it even curlier. You are welcome for sharing this rare beauty.

Does He Have A Better Sense Of Smell?
This dog has a split nose which makes it look really big and almost as if he has two noses. It’s strange and doesn’t seem safe either, but he probably has a good vet. I’d name him Eight.

The German Dwarf
This dog may be cute and look like a puppy, but he’s actually a German Shepherd adult that looks like a puppy because he has been diagnosed with Dwarfism. He’s shy and anxious around others.

Love That Mane
This is what a 20-year-old cat looks like. She still has bright eyes and soft fur. She is 100 in human years and look so good for her age. Her fur is a little whack but that makes her even more unique.

Got Them Thigh High
This dog is comfortable in her own skin and loves to wear thigh high stockings. In fact, she was born with them and never takes them off. She can’t, but she wouldn’t even if she could.

Leopard Cat?
This tiny leopard is known as a Bengal, a intelligent cat with a lot of energy. Most people will never be able to afford one and thus will never see one in person. But this little guy is here so you can dream.

Looks Almost Mythical
This is a Mexican Mole Lizard and it is so rare that it’s almost mythical. As you can see, he has two little legs, so I guess if he were a snake then he would have knees. Which is why they call him a lizard.

This Cow Loves You
Not much to say about this cow but she probably has chocolate milk that tastes like Heaven. I mean, it’s a chocolate cow, right? And there’s a perfect heart on her forehead. May she breed.

Better Than Lucky Or Patch
This Dalmatian should have his own cartoon. He would make a great addition to 103 Dalmatians. He’s not just an adorable personality but those heart-eyes will make him unforgettable.

They Call Him The Lorax
Have you ever seen a short-haired dog with a full beard like this? It is so smooth and blows in the wind like Fabio’s hair does. You want to pet it so bad right now, don’t you?

Spitting Cobra Dog
This dog has some strange neck flabs that make him look like a cobra. It’s an extra place to wash but it sure looks cute when he’s shaking and gives him a fierce, yet lovable appearance.

Evil Or Blessed?
This cat’s name is Yoda. He has four ears, or is it two ears and two horns? There’s something malicious about them but the faraway look in his eyes makes him look like he’s being controlled by another force.

Vitiligo Is Looking Good
This Rottweiler has a case of Vitiligo, which bothers most humans who have it. But in this case, he’s just unique and gorgeous. If only we could see humans with differences like we do dogs.

Look At Those Legs
They tell you long legs are becoming and this cat is no exception. She has super long legs and bright green eyes. She could be a model but right now, she’s stuck at a rescue shelter.

He’s Not An Opossum
This may look like a pretty opossum but it’s actually an albino raccoon. Most of the time, raccoons are bothersome. But in this case, it is so pretty and unique that you have to love it.

No Bull Here
This bull from Uganda is showing his love with his heart-shaped horns. All the other bulls make fun of him but the heifers fall all over him when he sends hearts their way. So who’s the real winner?

When You Get That Tattoo
This is what it would look like if you got a tattoo of yourself. This goat has a goat-shaped patch of fur on him and it looks kind of amazing and kind of silly at the same time. Whatever floats his boat.

He’s A Star
Thsi dog has a star on his chest which means all he has to do is post a few photos on Instagram and he’ll make the big bucks. After all, having a natural star on your chest makes you a star.

Sword In The Stone
Does this blonde squirrel remind anyone else of when they turned into squirrels on Sword in the Stone? It looks like Merlin’s girl has some competition because this one is super fine.

Little Bearkitten
This short and fluffy kitty is probably the cutest one you’ve seen this week. And we all know you’ve looked at a lot of cats online these last few months. This one has teddy bear-like ears and short little legs.

Mr. Edward
This is Mr. Edward, Mr. Ed’s refined, British cousin. He enjoys croquet and betting on a good human race. He carries a facial hair brush around with him and is cooler than you’ll ever be.

Ready For Some Waves
This beach bum looks like he’s ready to catch some waves. You can hear his voice and it sounds just like the fish off of Spongebob. Totally tubular, dude. Seriously though, I wish I had his hair.

We Come In Peace
This is an argonaut. It’s a tiny octopus with a shell that he can recede into. Though he usually prefers to wear it as a he because it looks super fly and out of this world. For real, he’s probably an alien.

It’s A Wrap Around
This cat has an extremely long tail. It must be hard to sleep with such a long one but it’s probably lots of fun to taunt to dog with it too. Cats are beasts, they can make anything an advantage.

The Cure For Baldness
According to this guinea pig owner, the cure for baldness lies in the genes of this animal. It could, it really could. Ever seen a guinea pig with a receding hairline? Nope, didn’t think so.

It’s A Color Mutation
To be fair, it’s actually an Orchid Mantis from Malaysia, which is such a cool name that we couldn’t even make it up. Although it looks like a mutated mantis, ready to prey on her fiance.

Who Should Play Her?
I’m pretty sure this is a character from Shark Tale with Will Smith. If there was ever a sequel, then this fish would play the main character. Look at how gorgeous that fin is, she’s had work done for sure.

Every Dog Lovers Dream
If you have a dog, then you dream that he’s as big as a horse. You dream of the adventures you’ll go on. When this guy dreams, he photoshops them to make them appear real. We don’t blame him.
That’s Definately A Four
This guinea pig is so beautiful. She is letting her curls flow naturally as God intended. At one point, she was even for sale, but of course, she got snatched up real quick, for obvious reasons.

Emma's Guinea Pigs
Rainbow Pride
This cat has gorgeous eyes! You can see every color, your own soul, and every world in existence if you look deep enough. But be careful, you just might get trapped. Just like she wants.

The Velveteen Rabbit
This rabbit isn’t just soft but he has Dumbo ears. If his name isn’t Dumbo then they are doing it wrong because it should be. I’d sing Baby Mine to it every night as we cuddle. Anyone else?

Sending Chicken Love
This chicken is so special that you’ll never find another one even close to her. She’s converted in hundreds of tiny hearts. Makes you wonder if she also lays heart-shaped eggs. Or maybe golden ones.

He Can See Your Soul
This pup is either Marilyn Manson’s or it’s a Yakut Laika confused for a Husky. While it does look like a Husky, it’s more than likely a Yakut Laika with unique markings. Bet you’ve never met a Yakut.

He’s Smiling
Wiley the Dalmation with the heart-shaped nose has quite a following on Instagram. He’s spreading love and joy to almost 200,000 followers. Let’s help them reach that number because he deserves it.

Danger Noodles
Are you squirming yet? Because I am. These little dwarf snakes are just as dangerous as a large one, but are harder to see. Although, even those afraid of snakes will think these are a little cute.

Santa Would Love It
This is the rare Albino Reindeer. Though some insist it’s the leucistic reindeer due to the lack of pink antlers and hoofs. Which is true, but who wants to say leucistic? Not even Santa.

Meet Cinnamon
Her name is Cinnamon because she was born with twirly cinnamon stick-like ears. She sure is adorable and her big, brown eyes only help her case. What a beauty, and her name suits her well.

It’s Not Just His Ears
This dog, Braveheart, is half-Husky, half-Lab. He was split right down the middle. His right side is all Husky, from his ears to his eyes. While is left side is all Lab. That is one pretty dog.

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