Have you ever seen an animal whose pose or look might have reminded you of something different altogether?
On the popular page on Twitter “We Rate Dogs” people posted photos of their dogs expecting to get rated, however some of the pictures “failed” as the dogs weren’t as “doggy” as they should have been!
Scroll away and browse through 40 of the most hilarious “dogs” you have ever seen!
1. Can this dog walk on water?
This Dog has left us wondering if he has any divine origins that we should be aware of as he seems to be able to walk on water!
2. Not a dog but a Polar bear
Well, they definitely look comfy together! Do you think the man is using his dog as a blanket?
3. Jamaican Flop Seal
This doggy is SO cute! Doesn’t he look really like a baby seal?
4. Lobster
I think this dog might identify partially as a lobster. He looks so hilarious with his sleepers!
5. Mexican Golden Beaver
This dog isn’t only a good swimmer but it seems that he makes an excellent beaver as well!
6. Hammerhead Shark
Be warned humans, there is a terrifying little shark among you!
7. Birdy
Do you wonder what might be going through this dog’s mind as he sits on the fountain.
8. Albanian Street Mouse
Isn’t he like the cutest dog you have ever seen? He looks so festive and Christmasy!
9. Urban Floof Giraffe
This dog-giraffe is one of the weirdest photos yet! How on earth did he manage to get stuck like that?
10. Taiwanese guide walrus
That’s a different use of drinking straws, this dog can even use them to turn into a different species!
11. Heartbroken Ewok
Isn’t this the most adorable teddy bear you have ever seen? Cuddle time everyone!
12. Alaskan Flop Turtle
This isn’t a dog, people, this is a furry Alaskan flop turtle.
13. Jokester
This is a unique and smart dog, but can you spot it?
14. Triceratops
Whoever said that dinosaurs were extinct, they haven’t apparently come across this scary triceratops!
15. Camouflage 3000
Ready to hunt or go to war? I don’t know about you, but this dog is ready for some action!
16. Ecuadorian Sea Turtle
This fellow here seems so exhausted! This is how sea turtles look like most of the time!
17. Pettable Bath Dozing Tortoise
Like the previous in the picture, here we have another turtle that seems equally too tired to move!
18. Majestic Doggo
This isn’t just a simple picture, this is “Art”! It’s great how they caught the sunrise and the polar bear on the front.
19. Wilson
This dog seems pretty comfortable from where he is standing, and he really seems to be enjoying the whole spying on the neighbors’ thing that’s going on.
20. Bangladeshi Couch Chipmunks
Poor dog, going through an identity crisis at such an age! Dog or a chipmunk?
21. Tyrannosaurus
Another extinct tyrannosaurus has just checked in. But, where have they been hiding for so long?
22. 31-year old son.
Not only you are stuck at home with your adult son, but now his presence is affecting the dog as well!
23. Mongolian Grass Snake.
Be aware of grass snakes at this time of the year, they are rumored to be vicious!
24. Rare Canadian Floofer Owl
This isn’t just another shy, slightly antisocial dog, nope, this is the legendary Canadian Floofer Owl.
25. Toasted Marshmallow
Such a fluffy marshmallow, so cute yet exhausted at the same time!
26. Bulgarian Eyeless Porch Bear
These people have adopted a “bear” to act as their home security!
27. Peruvian Floor Bear
Would you like a dog that could easily pass as a bear? Well, what do you think about this one? It definitely looks like one!
28. Smiling ghosts
“Let’s play hide and seek, you will count and I will turn invisible as a ghost”!
29. Delicious Marshmallow
The owners of this “marshmallow-dog” should definitely consider a diet plan, because the poor dog appears ready to explode!
30. Comfy Carpet
Be careful where you step, there are living beings around!
31. East African Chalupa Seal
If you are wondering what it could be, the answer is pretty obvious…it’s an East African Chalupa Seal!
32. Floppy Tongued House Panda.
Now, Pandas come in smaller sizes, ready to be carried around and cuddle with no issues!
33. Pokemon
This is a new breed, it’s a hybrid of a Pokemon and a dog. It’s safe to touch, don’t worry, you won’t be electrocuted!
34. Cone Doggo
This dog moves in different frequencies, ready to communicate with E.T and the rest of the Alien race.
35. Dutch Panda Worm
This is how a Panda shouldn’t look like yet it does…poor dog!
36. Non-canine Ostrich
How much time do you think this Ostrich-dog can stay like that? Has he found something buried in the sand?
37. Snoring rug
This dog makes you wanna lay down on that comfy rug and take a nap!
38. Iraqi Speed Kangaroo
“There is a Kangaroo in the front yard, mom.” Be careful because he might jump on you!
39. Freudian Poof Lion
This the best haircut a dog could have! It definitely boosts his self-confidence, making him look like the King of the Jungle.
40. Arctic Floof Kangaroo
Another “lost” Kangaroo, but this time, this one has immigrated from Alaska!
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