Having a cat seems like it’s all low-maintenance, and compared to dogs and kids, it actually is. But that doesn’t mean they just take care of themselves. Being a cat owner is a little more nuanced, and some people can live pretty long without knowing some things about cats.
So to help you out a bit, here’s a good long list of some things you should basically never do to your cat. You know, because you might be unknowingly doing something wrong, even if you have good intentions!
Your cat may not thank you, but they’ll definitely appreciate it. Plus, you’re doing this because you love them, right?
1) Do Not Neglect to Brush Your Cat’s Teeth
Just like in humans, cats can develop dental problems if their teeth are not properly taken care of. This includes regular brushing. You should brush your cat’s teeth at least once a day, or at the very least a few times a week, to keep their teeth and gums healthy.

Animal Behavior College
2) Always Give Your Cat Love and Attention
Make sure to give your cat, or cats, plenty of love and affection. If you have multiple cats, then the need for attention is not as great. You should still try to spend at least a little time each day giving your cat the attention it needs, especially if it’s your only cat.

3) Do Not Dress Your Cat Up
While you might think it’s cute to dress your cats up, this is a practice you should stop immediately. Not only does it make for awkward interactions with other pets, it can also cause them harm. Costumes that are too restrictive can actually impede proper blood circulation in your cat.

BB Animals
4) Never Punish Your Cat
Be very careful in how you punish your pet. Refrain from yelling at your cat. Instead, try using positive reinforcement, giving them treats for good behavior. At the same time, if your cat starts to misbehave, ignore them or redirect their attention.

5) Never Leave Your Cat in Complete Darkness for an Extended Length of Time
Nobody likes to live in a cave … even our pets. Make sure to provide plenty of light for your cat within your home, including sunlight and artificial light. This is especially important if you have to leave for an extended time. Leaving your home in complete darkness at this time can make them feel abandoned.

6) Never Neglect Taking Your Cat to the Veterinarian
Make sure to take your cat in to the veterinarian for regular checkups. Doing this can potentially catch a problem, such as a reduction in vision, before it can become a major issue. At the very least take your cat in for an annual exam.

Pet MD
7) Never Keep Your Cat From Exposure to the Outside World
Even indoor cats like to watch the birds outside. To ensure that your cat gets plenty of exposure to the outside world, open the window shades so that they can look outside. You should also leave the window slightly open so your cat can get some fresh air.

8) Never Let Multiple Cats Share the Same Litter Box
Cats are extremely private animals. So, if you have multiple cats in the same household, make sure that each cat has their own separate litter box. This allows the cat to go to the bathroom in the security of its own private space.

The Happy Cat Site
9) Never Back Your Cat Into a Corner
Do not back your cat into a corner. Always make sure to provide an escape route. Otherwise, they can become aggressive and might even lash out. This can also lead to your cat being nervous or stressed out, possibly causing changes in your cat’s behavior.

10) Do Not Forget to Insure Your Cat
Believe it or not, many insurance companies offer insurance for your pets. Pet insurance can help cover the cost of your cat when they get sick, or worse yet, get a disease such as cancer. It is often cheaper to pay for insurance now as opposed to the mounting medical bills if they get sick and you don’t have insurance coverage on your pets.

The Penny Hoarder
11) Never Push Your Cat Off of the Counter
Regardless of how inquisitive your cat is, avoid pushing them off the counter. Instead, redirect their attention or remove them from the situation causing their curiosity. Your cat honestly means no harm and would appreciate it if you would treat them with the care and respect they deserve.

12) Never Forget to Clean Your Cat’s Water Dish
While you might think simply pouring out the old water in your cat’s water dish and replacing it with fresh water is good enough, chances are it is not. When replacing your cat’s water, make sure to scrub the bowl and rinse it out first. This removes any mold or other unhealthy substances from the side of the bowl.

13) Never Overfeed Your Cat
Overfeeding you cat can lead to weight issues down the road, such as diabetes, joint disease, and heart problems. To avoid causing your cat such weight problems down the road, avoid overfeeding them, and make sure they get a diet full of the nutrients they need.

14) Do Not Fail to Get Your Cat Spayed or Neutered
Unless you love taking care of lots of kittens, get your cat spayed or neutered before they reach five months of age. Having these surgeries performed on your cat can also cut down on the amount of spraying that cats often participate in to mark their territory.

Life With Cats
15) Never Declaw Your Cat
Believe it or not, when you have your cat declawed, you are actually removing the upper parts of their toes. This can really put your cat at a disadvantage if they have to defend themselves. Use other methods to deter scratching, such as specially designed tapes and sprays.

Cole and Marmalade
16) Do Not Ignore Your Cat’s Hairballs
You might think hairballs and cats are a common thing, but frequent hairballs can be the sign of gastrointestinal problems. Luckily, you can purchase medicine that should help cut down on the frequency of any hairballs your cat spits or hacks up.

Perth Cat Hospital
17) Make Sure to Clean Your Cat’s Litter Box
Just like humans, cats prefer a clean area to use the bathroom. As a matter of fact, a dirty litter box can lead to your cat using the bathroom in other areas around your home. To prevent this, scoop their litter box at least once a day, and change it out once a week.

The Conscious Cat
18) Do Not Fail to Get Your Cat Microchipped
Microchipping your cat can help return it to you if it becomes lost. If taken to a shelter, the shelter can scan your pet to learn the name and phone number of its owner through the registry for that particular brand of chip. This keeps the shelter from giving your cat to someone else or euthanizing it.

19) Never Pull Your Cat’s Tail
Pulling on your cat’s tail too hard can cause injury to the cat’s nerves and spine. This is especially evident in older cats who tend to lose muscle mass as they age, making injury more likely. Pulling on a cat’s tail can also lead to problems with the bladder and kidneys.

20) Never Overmedicate Your Cat
Avoid medicating your cat as a first solution to a problem. Some veterinarians won’t hesitate to recommend anti-anxiety or antidepressant medications as a solution to a change in behavior with your cat. Sometimes all your cat needs is a little more love and affection from you.

The Conscious Cat
21) Never Leave Your Indoor Cat Outdoors Unsupervised
If you have an indoor cat, make sure to supervise her when taking her outdoors. Cats that are not used to being outdoors can react in a variety of ways, including curiosity, fright, or even confusion. All you need is for your cat to dash into traffic, unaware of the danger.

Mercury News
22) Never Expose Your Cat to Secondhand Smoke

Daily Mail
23) Never Throw Your Cat
Do not throw your cat. While some might think it’s funny, or maybe they just like being mean to cats, throwing a cat can lead to serious injury. So, always treat your animals gently and with respect. While your cat might not get physically hurt, you could damage her mentally.

24) Never Tease Your Cat With a Laser Pointer
While it might seem like fun to you, teasing your cat with a laser pointer can actually lead to frustration on the part of your cat. If done too much, your cat could get anxious and become more destructive around your home. To combat this, include a physical object with a treat inside as a part of the process to give your cat a sense of achievement.

25) Never Intentionally Scare Your Cat
Scaring your cat can add unnecessary stress to their life, potentially leading to behavior issues. This is especially true when placing a foreign object behind your cat while its attention is diverted. Unlike a human, cats do not know it is meant as a joke and can even hurt themselves in an attempt to get away.

National Geographic
26) Never Hold Your Cat While Driving
Never hold your cat while driving. The cat could get unruly, creating a distraction, and cause you to have an accident. The same goes for allowing your cat to roam freely around your car while it is in motion. Always keep your cat properly buckled in cat carrier when traveling with them.

YouTube Screenshot
27) Do Not Ignore Your Cat’s Body Language
Your cat expresses itself to you through its body language; this includes letting you know when they are happy or sad, and even if they feel like being picked up or not. Always pay attention to how your cat is acting and respond appropriately.

Pet MD
28) Do Not Play With Your Cat Too Roughly
When playing with your cat, try not to get too rough with her. Cats do enjoy a good tussle, but slamming her around could possibly get her hurt. Not only can rough play cause injury, it might make your cat avoid you in the future.

29) Never Neglect to Trim Your Cat’s Claws
For your own comfort and theirs, make sure to trim your cat’s claws occasionally. Not only does this save you pain when your cat starts kneading its claws into your arm or leg, it helps to prevent broken nails on your cat’s part.

30) Never Skip Your Cat’s Treatments
Always have your cat treated for heartworms and fleas, even if they do not go outside. Fleas are easy to bring home with you, especially if you have friends with pets, and can carry heartworms. In addition, mosquitoes can get in your home that also carry heartworms.

31) Never Leave Your Windows Open
Take care when leaving your windows open if you have a cat, especially while you are at work. If you must open the windows, check the screens to make sure they are sturdily in place. Otherwise your cat could take an unintended fall. When you leave for work, limit openings to only an inch or so to avoid this.

32) Don’t Ignore Your Cat’s Bathroom Habits
If you notice your cat starting to exhibit weird habits when going to the bathroom, pay attention. Problems with going to the bathroom in areas other than the litter box can signify a dirty litter box or that your cat is stressed or depressed.

Rogue Shock
33) Do Not Be Too Loud Around Your Cat
When dealing with your cat, avoid making loud sounds around them. Cats in general can be jittery, particularly specific breeds. Making frequent loud sounds around them can lead to them avoiding you in the future.

Basically Strong
34) Never Assume Your Cat Is Fine
Like some people, a cat is good at masking any problems they might be having. Pay attention to their energy levels, eating habits, and their body language. If you noticed a sudden change, consider taking them for a checkup at the vet just to make sure that your cat is okay.

35) Do Not Neglect to Groom Your Cat
Grooming is a great way to help your cat cut down on hairballs and keep their fur looking great. Experts recommend grooming a longhaired cat at least one to two times a day and a short-haired cat at least one to three times a week.
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36. ) Don’t give your cat milk.
Maybe those MGM cartoons like Tom and Jerry convinced you that cats love milk. After all, Tom laps up the stuff like his life depends on it! But in reality, cats are lactose intolerant. Definitely don’t give them milk, lest you give them an upset stomach.

Prestige Animal Hospital
37.) Don’t forget to give your cat wet food.
I know you feel like you can trust your cat to hydrate themselves, but believe me, those furry rascals are almost as forgetful as we are. It’s not uncommon for them to see a dish full of water and pay it no attention. Help them out (even if they won’t give you credit for it ) by putting a healthy amount of water in the dish along with the food.

38. ) Don’t shave your cat without good reason.
Barring health reasons, like something relating to heat or having to medicate a skin condition, you definitely shouldn’t just shave your cat. If you’re helping them cool off in extreme heat, or need to apply ointment to skin as per vet’s orders, then that’s fine. But definitely do not shave them just because it looks funny!

My Pet Needs That
39.) Don’t let your cat gnaw or chew on old bones.
Here’s another one where cartoons and pop culture are to blame. Gnawing on fish skeletons is nearly as much a cat cliche as mouse-chasing and milk-lapping. But with the risks of splintering and choking, there’s more than a few reasons why you shouldn’t let your cat gnaw on bones.

Cat World
40.) Never forget to share pictures of your cat with the rest of us.
Come on, we all love cats just as much as you. I don’t care how small or chubby your cat is, you’d better share photos of them so we can all gush over them too!

Keeping your cat happy and healthy is important. By avoiding certain activities and treating them gently and with respect, you can ensure that they remain healthier and happier. You should also pay attention to their habits and consider taking them to the vet if you see any dramatic changes in their behavior.