What are two creatures that you would never think would be together very often? Well, cats and lizards, of course! These two creatures live in very different realms of reality and nature. Even with this seeming chasm of difference, the two have had quite the hilarious time together, as seen through many pictures. Check out these funny ones!
1. It bites!
This cat seems to have learned a valuable lesson in the photo! While curiosity may have killed the cat, this one just got a little nipped. I would have loved to see what happened before this photo!

2. Funny friends
Who knew that a cat and a bearded dragon got along so well? These two seem to have a wonderful little relationship. The lizard seems to be really enjoying the heat that his cat friend is giving him.

3. Scaly kitten
This cat has made a new friend! The lizard is a “rescue lizard,” and the cat has adopted it into her family as well! Her owner says that she views the lizard as her very own scaly kitten! They nap together and watch over the house.

4. Lizard stalker
This cat seems to enjoy stalking this pet lizard! Cats and other animals don’t always get along as well as we would like them to. Thankfully, this one seems to have gotten tired and given up, settling for a nap instead.

5. Lip lizard
Beware when sniffing around the grass! This kitty seems to have accidentally found a “friend” while exploring. Who knew that cats got piercings as well! This one looks quite good, at least.

6. Lizard boop
This cat is super shy but built up the courage for one special moment. While the bearded dragon was sunning on a rock, the cat came up and booped his head! It was super gentle and the whole thing is stunning!

7. A bit confused
It seems that this species mixup was caught on camera! The cat seems to think he is a lizard and is enjoying some nap time with his new friend. More likely, he just likes the feeling of the sun lamp on him!

8. Two peas in a pod
The names of these two might just say all you need to know. Fat Eli and Ron the Dragon have a birthday party! Although we can’t tell which one is celebrating, we can see that they are happy to be together.

9. Cuddle lizard
Who knew that bearded dragons loved to cuddle so much?! This one gets to choose between two cats that live with them at their house. I bet all that heat keeps the lizard nice and cozy.

10. Matching duo
We all love it when things match! Getting a good, cohesive, color scheme is always something worth accomplishing. This person thought it was even worth it to match their cat and their lizard!

11. The cutest pic
Cats and lizards seem to take really aesthetic photos! These two look so cute cuddled up next to each other like this. A good nap is always worth it when you are napping with someone you love.

12. Put that down!
Cats are ceaselessly bringing back things to their mortified owners. This photo is no different. This cat decided that he NEEDED to bring back a massive, wild lizard to his owner.

13. Hide and seek
After a few minutes of looking, this cat gave up trying to find the lizard that disappeared. I guess it will never know exactly where the little thing went. It might, however, find out when it goes to get something to eat or drink and looks down!

14. Interspecies buds
Playing around and having fun isn’t something that only humans are privileged to do! Animals love to play and have fun as well. This cat and lizard are best friends and love to play together.

15. Fat and warm
The cat’s face shows us all we need to know! It loves to have a snuggle bud laying on top of him! As described by their owner, “Iggy Enjoys Lying On Him Because He’s Fat And Warm”

16. They bite back!
This cat made a habit of catching lizards in the yard. The thing is, though, the animals you catch can sometimes “catch” back! Lips beware when this lizard is on the loose.

17. What’s next?
Dogs chase cars, never knowing what they would even do if they caught one! In the same way, it seems cats chase lizards. This one doesn’t know what to do know that it’s been caught.

18. Easy watching
We have all had a long day and then gone home to watch a chill TV show to relax. What do cats like to watch when they have had a long day? Lizards on fences!

19. Back scratches and warm beds
Cats love a good back scratch. Lizards love a warm spot to sleep. How can they both get what they want? A lizard with sharp claws on the back of a warm cat!

20. Flip the script
The classic “hunter becomes the hunted” situation here! A fluffball seems to have learned that lesson the hard way. Beware the quarry which you seek!

21. BIG mistake
You can see in someone’s eyes when they know they made a mistake. It’s the universal sign of “Oh no, I messed up.” Just look at this picture and tell me that this cat doesn’t know he is in trouble!

22. Sleepy time
Sleepytime is only acceptable to use in normal language when talking about pets and small children. This scenario fits the description well. These two are well and truly into their own “sleepy time”.

23. Shhhh, we are hunting
Lizards and cats have a few things in common. One of the most obvious is that they are both hunters. It’s important that you don’t talk to much when you are hunting though! This lizard knows that.

24. Magical screen
Who knew that lizards could float?! That’s probably what this cat is thinking at least. It could also be a glitch in the matrix.

25. Be careful playing with lizards
Cat moms raise their kittens with rules about life. Don’t drink smelly milk. Don’t go near dogs. And most importantly, never play with lizards!

26. A lizard got inside!
When a lizard gets inside a house that has two cats and a kitten, this is what happens! Hours of entertainment instantly provided by mother nature. They better be gentle!

27. Iguana cuddles
Iguanas may just be bigger than cats! These two laying next to each other looks like some prehistoric meeting (except for the cars in the background). “Dinosaur meets sabertooth”

28. One of these is not a cat
When you grow up together, you never think about the differences between you and your siblings. In this picture, you just see three cats, right? Well that’s all the cats see, just more cats!

29. Who eats who?
When this cat tried to eat a lizard it must have forgotten that the lizard didn’t want to die! The stubborn little reptile hung on for dear life and even tried to take a bite to go!

30. Sharing a meal together
One of the most important elements of a relationship is food! Thse two seem to have gotten that part down pat in their friendship. Friends who eat together, stay together.

31. Hitching a ride
It is said that the fastest way to travel is by cat. This lizard has obviously learned that to be true. As long as they don’t check for tickets, he should be fine!

32. David and Goliath
The story of David and Goliath is one of the little guy beating the big one. This picture seems to qualify for one of those stories! The cat is definitely beat.

33. Complete and undivided attention
How can you keep two cats occupied for hours? Simple. A lizard sitting perfectly still on the bathroom window! All they need now is some quality catnip.

34. You turn around for one moment…
While this owner was about to give his lizard a bath, they turned around briefly. When they turned back around the lizard was all the way across the room! Seems that the cat wishes he could climb like his friend.

35. She just wants to play!
Having a friend who just wants to constantly joke and play can be tiring! The owner of these two noticed that her cat always wanted to play but her lizard kept on giving the cold shoulder.

36. Should they be kept apart?
Like a cute love story, these two only see each other through the glass of their homes. The owner asked the question,”Baby Bearded Dragon And Cat, Should I Keep Them Apart?”
I think it’s time for them to meet each other!

37. I’ve had enough!
You just get to a point when you have had enough and it’s time to fight back. When someone is annoying you and they just completely stomp on that last nerve, it’s time to retaliate! This lizard was caught doing just that.

38. They want it bad
The two cats in this photo have obviously found something to keep their attention. If you look carefully, you can see the slight shadow on the light above them. There might be a cat stuck in the roof if they aren’t careful!

39. Moments before a fight
If you have ever seen it when two fighters square up a few days before the fight to get their photos and get all worked up, that’s what this looks like! If I were a betting man, I would have to go with the cat. Look at those claws coming out!

40. Five minutes later…
Lizards must have some strong jaw muscles! After this cat tries to eat the little reptile, it grabbed on its lip and didn’t let go! This photo was taken after five minutes and is rumored to have still not let go to this day.

After seeing these felines and reptiles coexist, your views may have changed on whether they can get along or not! At the very least, you left with a few laughs and hearty chuckles at these goofy cats playing with lizards.
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