It’s understandable that some pets and other animals would be a little bit timid. After all, many people share the same trait as well. Not all of us are gregarious and outgoing. It’s perfectly normal.
In fact, when an animal is shy around people, it makes them even more adorable than usual. We can’t help but want to pick them up and give them a big hug to show them that they are loved. That’s what these 40 animals do to us.
Their shyness is so cute, we can’t resist them. From the cow that always hides behind the fence post when humans stop by to the dog that is afraid of having his picture taken, these introverted animals take being shy to another level. We absolutely love them for it.

1. Baby Meerkat
This meerkat was spotted at Inokashira Nature Park in Japan. She is just a young girl. She is still getting used to people and doesn’t know what to think of them yet.

2. Safe Space
She is totally cool with her owner, however, other people, not so much. The pup can be seen hiding in between her owner’s legs for protection. She feels very safe there.

3. Shy Monkey
The monkey hides from the photographer’s camera behind the two trees. He wants to get a look at what’s going on. However, it would be too risky to get any closer.

4. Taking Cover
The grass in the garden is a great place to hide from the humans. It provides a lot of protection. If you are a tiny dog, you can basically blend right in.

5. Anxious Pup
If you scare this dog, she will cover her face with her paws. It’s an instinctual reaction that takes place when she gets nervous. She can’t help it!

6. Surprise Encounter
This cute barking deer was spotted filling up her belly at the salt pits in the Biligiriranga Hills, India. She was a little bit startled to see a person come out of the woods. She watched cautiously, at first, to see if she was in danger.

7. Hiding In The Couch
The dog is so camera shy that he often hides his head in the crack of the couch cushions. It is such an adorable behavior. It always makes all of the humans laugh.

8. Prickly Visitor
Hedgehogs are very curious, but even the most adventurous of them are still pretty timid. They can sometimes be picked up. However, you better make sure they are comfortable with you or you will get a pricked finger.

9. Fun Drum
“We adopted two cats yesterday. They’re still a bit shy, and I don’t think I can use my drum kit for a while,” explains the man. The cats are burrowed deep inside the percussion instrument. It is like a little cave for them.

10. Do Not Pet
The dog’s bandana says everything that needs to be said. He doesn’t want to be petted. If you try, there is no telling how he might react.

11. Picture Hater
It looks like someone is definitely kind of camera shy. The cat is really against appearing in any social media photos. She is a very private animal.

12. Morning Guest
This friendly deer stopped in to say hello during breakfast one day. Although, she is still very shy. Just have a look at her questioning face as she decides whether or not to come any closer.

13. Hold My Hand
Sometimes it takes a while to convince a dog that you are a good person. You have to start with innocent gestures like hand-holding. Then, eventually, the dog realizes you are a friend.

14. Lovely Pug
Pugs are one of the goofiest breeds of dog. They are adorable in their own unusual way. They know that not everyone is a fan of them so it causes them to be a little shy around strangers.

15. Comfortable Nook
The corner of the bookshelf is this dog’s safe place. She can squeeze in there, but no one else can. She has the corner all to herself.

16. Leopard Sighting
This animal is so shy that even getting a picture of it was an incredible feat. It’s a big spotted leopard. The people had to go on a night safari in South Africa to get a glimpse of the elusive cat.

17. New Kitten
Kittens are always timid when you bring them into a new home. They have to get used to their surroundings. In most cases, they quickly start to open up and become more playful after a day or two.

18. No Photos Allowed
If these pups know that you are taking a photo of them, they won’t make eye contact. They always look in the other direction. It is their funny way of rebelling against the humans.

19. Hidden Smile
There is nothing more fun than playing peek-a-boo with your owners. That’s what this shy dog is up to. It is one of his favorite games to play. It always makes him smile.

20. Lone Black Cat
It’s obvious that this stray cat is a little wary of humans. She enjoys her solitude. However, occasionally, her curious nature gets the best of her.

21. Pretty Blue Eyes
The new puppy is not a fan of photos. He doesn’t understand them. Just a few weeks ago, he wasn’t even been born yet, and now they already want him to be a model.

22. Extending a Paw
She always wants to hold people’s hands. That doesn’t mean she isn’t still a little shy about it though. It takes a little time to win her heart over, but once you do, she’ll be your friend for life.

23. Blending In
Chameleons are one of the shyest types of animals. That is why they are always changing colors. They don’t want anybody to see them.

24. Hiding Spot
This dachshund is all about playing hide and seek. He is cute like that. He loves to run around and hide behind the couch. Then he sneakily peeks out to see if anyone is watching him.

25. Shy Guy
According to the owner, the cat isn’t usually so shy. For whatever reason, this day was the exception. He was acting super goofy and covering his eyes.

26. Hello Birdie
This little bird is called a bittern. They are very shy and like to hide in the reeds and grass. It’s pretty rare that they would let anyone get up close and personal like this.

27. Exploring The Home
Here we have another shy cutie. She is peering up over the couch to see what’s going on. She’s too small to jump up there by herself. Not to mention, it’s unexplored territory. She is a new arrival to the family.

28. Cute Pup
You can tell just by looking at this pup how shy she is. She is curled up into a little ball. She also has the most innocent black eyes.

29. Sheepish Flock
This whole flock of sheep is surprisingly shy. When anyone comes near, they just ignore them. They try to keep their interactions with people to a minimum.

30. Hiding Behind A Tail
Just pretend like she isn’t there. At least, that’s what she would prefer you to do. She likes to block out the world by putting her tail over her face.

31. Cat In The Box
He’s one of the cutest cats that we’ve ever seen. He is so shy. He went inside the box and wouldn’t come out, no matter how nicely anyone asked.

32. Slippery Snake
Snakes aren’t known for being very friendly. Normally, when you see them, they scurry away as quickly as possible. This one, however, is doing its best to hide in the weeds.

33. Self-Conscious
Under normal circumstances, she isn’t that shy. However, she is not going to be a willing participant in the person’s photoshoot this time. She has made that very clear.

34. Tucked Away
It appears as though someone found a fun place to hide. He knows there are people watching him, but there is no way he is coming out to say hello. He is way too comfortable.

35. Timid Raccoon
When you’re really shy, one of the best places to get away from it all is up in the trees. The people won’t be able to get to you up there. They might still attempt to take photos of you though.

36. Making Friends
“I volunteer at a local shelter. They kept telling me that I shouldn’t hold her because she’s shy and doesn’t like people. Then she did this for about ten minutes while refusing to be let go,” explains the woman. It looks like her and the cat bonded rather quickly.

37. Shy And Beautiful
She might be a little camera shy, but that doesn’t stop her from being adorable. Australian Shepherds are one of the most beautiful dog breeds. There is no doubt about it.

38. Just Woke Up
Don’t mind this pup. He isn’t used to being photographed. It makes him feel a little bashful when the camera is on him. Especially when he is just getting out of bed.

39. Minding My Own Business
Here we have an up-close shot of a scorpion. Most people don’t realize how shy scorpions are. However, they pretty much only ever sting when you disturb them. They aren’t naturally aggressive.

40. Favorite Location
There is nothing that says shy quite like hiding underneath the table. It is a classic hiding place. Tons of dogs like to post up there and wait for crumbs to fall down to the floor.

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