Cats have eccentric personalities. Some may be calmer than others, but some are just extra curious about whatever’s around them. Then, some cats just seem to want to see the whole world burn. These feline traits are what make people love them.
But what happens to those personalities once they get spiked up with their favorite feline drug – catnip? Despite the mess, it’s hard not to find it funny when your cat gets…elevated…on catnip. Don’t worry- catnip isn’t bad for cats, just their dignity.
Here are some of the most hilarious “catnipped” cats caught on action:
1) Splash pad
This is the cat equivalent of going to a water park while you’re enhanced. This blue navy gravy grey cat is all kinds of enhanced and I can watch this gif over and over of him enjoying his own personal puddle. Just watch his eyes as he’s splashing around!
2) Statuesque
This lady is too deep into the cosmic question to concern herself with her corporeal body. You couldn’t interrupt her if you wanted to! She has left this mortal coil to explore the unknown and she will only return when the holofractal pulse deems it acceptable.
3) Insight
This cat knows something you don’t. The best course of action is to ask it nicely what kind of impending doom it sees so that you can adequately prepare. This cat has become an ancient, blind shaman. Listen to its wisdom.
4) Bite couch
There’s a special kind of tripping where everything becomes either 1) a threat or 2) edible. Sometimes it’s 3) both. In this case, this cat seems to be biting onto the couch with its life, leading me to believe that it’s deeply into the events of option 3. Those eyes give it all away!
5) Hangin’ out
This cat is an acrobat! Hangin’ out is one thing but this cat is hanging with a purpose and I can fully respect that. It has a mission, a purpose, and it fully intends to see them to their bitter end. Only this end is pure and joyful, for catnip lies in the gold cauldron.
6) Better not to know
Do you really want to know what monsters creep in the extra dimensions beyond those we can see? No? Shocking. Don’t take catnip then! Some things are better left to the imagination. Just walk your cat through its existential crisis and forget.
7) Afraid no longer
We all know how much cats hate water. But in this case, this cat has had so much catnip and gotten so high that it has completely forgotten about its fear of loss of body heat. It’s getting pelted by water and it doesn’t even care! It’s just down for that hydration STATION!
8) Blitzed and blazed
This cat is the highest, I think I’ve ever seen, a creature that is not human. He may as well be sitting in a hotbox asking for water and trying to order pizza on the phone. But somehow he seems like he’d be unexpectedly eloquent and would be able to talk about your problems completely calmly, providing seriously good advice.
9) Hard day’s night
Being mayor is tough, okay? Let Mr. Stubbs have his evening gulp of nipwater, okay? It’s not hurting you and he doesn’t have a family that he’s harming or anything. Just chill, okay?
10) Void cat
On catnip, even a living room can become a space station. This little black cat is floating in zero G right now! He looks like a little piece of space himself. Space cadet is the best word I can imagine for this little stoner!
11) Thousand-yard stare
Who knows what this cat is thinking or even seeing in his cat-nipped goggled googly eyes? Maybe his brain just stopped for a while and he had to recover? Catnip is so weird in how it affects every cat differently!
12) Free drugs
Free catnip? Who thought this was a good idea? You’re just asking for cats to get all messed up all over people’s houses! You’re going to have cats sleeping in the streets! The first sample is always free, that’s how they get you!
13) Rug nums
Munchies are one thing, but tripping so hard you mistake your rug for a lollipop is something else entirely. Catnip takes its toll on us all. This guy was just trying to get every last bit of catnip out of the carpet that he could! Respect!
14) Who!?
This cat was having some kind of wild trip all in its own mindscape when some combination of sounds came from the feeder of the great beyond! The combination of sounds that demands attention! Its human “name.” I would react like this too if I was journeying through the great beyond and was randomly interrupted!
15) This is a comfy spot
At some point you’re high enough that you decide “screw it, this is good enough.” And this cat exactly that when they inevitably found the sweet spot between the wall and the cat tree. The booty was firmly rested, and the upper body was able to rest. That’s all you need!
16) Withdrawal
Don’t start a habit you can’t handle. You never know what kind of Mr. Hyde will come out of a Dr. Jekyll. Apparently, DJ Strawberry becomes a DJ Oatmeal Raisin Cookie when he has catnip, and it looks like he’s already screaming for more!
17) Starting early
Start ’em early! Get those little furballs addicted to catnip early in their lives and you’ll have an immediate treat for all future scenarios where insubordination might occur. Oh, you don’t want to go in the litter box anymore, Mr. Whiskers? Well, I have 3 Oz’s of catnip if you change your mind.
18) Gateway drug
The sheer horror. This cat has seen some stuff! She looks like she might be in shock! Her mouth is all agape and she has that classic blank stare of the 70s hippie. Get her away from this stuff!
19) Rollin’
See, now these owners have learned from their mistakes! This cat is just straight-up rolling around in his catnip, happier than just about anyone I’ve ever seen! Store it in a jar so this doesn’t happen again!
20) Wildin’
If you give your cat catnip you can expect your cat to writhe around on the ground like this frequently. Guy has some scritches to scratch on the concrete. It’s also provided some supreme content for a solid video editor!
21) Dazed and confused
This guy is clearly new to the nip but that face tells me he’s hooked? It’s almost like he’s holding in a sneeze but that he’s also contemplating the universe. That’s what drugs do best I guess?
22) Gathering
My catnip brings all the cats to the yaaard and their life is better than yours! This is like the equivalent of an opium den for cats! Don’t grow catnip if you don’t want a multitude of cats storming your yard!
23) Buggin’ out
He’s catching bugs on this bed. Maybe space mice who knows… He clearly wants to be catching whatever he’s seeing but he’s also terrified of whatever eldritch truth he’s being faced with. Maybe these mice have a bunch of tentacles and a hundred eyes. Something chill like that.
24) Hangin’ on
Don’t leave your cat unattended when you’ve given it catnip or you might look out the window and find this scene waiting for you. The cat will no doubt be fine but I still feel bad for the poor thing! They’re just scared.
25) Catnip shower
Take note from the owner above, store your catnip in something sturdy! If you don’t, your cat is almost certain to work its way into whatever cupboard you’re hiding the catnip in and you WILL come home… To this. Plastic bags can’t stand up to cat claws.
26) Wisdom derp
A ten-year-old derp is a wise derp. At ten years I think it’s okay to indulge in a little catnip. Just stop caring and go all out into party mode my friend! It looks like you’re already there.
27) Acceleration
This cat has taken so much catnip that every single atom in their body has accelerated and they might even melt into the bed if they’re not careful. Modern image capture technology can’t accurately capture this creature’s ethereal image.
28) Mlem
Mlem mlem mlem mlem. This cat just wants to lick the world! It’s almost his method of attack! “Bring that camera near, me I’ll friggin’ lick it, I swear!” He’s aggressive when nipped!
29) Seshin’
These two kits are having a grand old time. It seems like the blonde kitty might even be trying to help his buddy through whatever it is he’s going through! Either way, two catnipped kitties sounds like a recipe for a hilarious evening.
30) Santa delivers the goods
Secret Santas will always come through! And in this case, the secret Santa is seriously trying to get your cat high! A success indeed. Catnip is always a safe bet.
31) YUCK!
Sometimes when a cat has too much catnip it just kind of loses control of its composure and apparently… It’s facial muscles? This rather pretty kitty is making some really strange loose tongue faces while he’s living his life on catnip. Luckily his mom or dad was around to capture this iconic moment!
32) Seeing the new dimension
This cat is watching the visions provided by the obelisk and his jaw, rightfully so, is agape. This seems to be one of the more common themes with catnip. Cats staring way off into the distance, seemingly removed from their mortal bodies. Live and let live at this point, I think.
33) Don’t look at me
This cat ESPECIALLY wants to be left alone. He knows he’s silly. He knows he’s tripping. He doesn’t want to be judged. “Don’t take my picture human, leave me be. Begone!”
34) Mine!
This guy is so happy with his gift! Looks like he had a little nip and fell asleep cuddling his greatest possession, no pun intended. It’s such a great picture, he looks so peaceful!
35) When the vibe hits
We all know that feeling of when you’re some special kind of inebriated and the music hits you. You feel no pain! You have those vibrations reverberate through your body and you can’t help but jump around or shake that booty. You might even lock eyes with your besty like these two cats did! Ideally, you can drop it on a whim exactly like in this situation.
36) Fresh green
The only thing better than catnip? Fresh catnip, straight out of your neighbor’s garden! You might not be able to walk out of a farmer’s market with a stalk of weed, but you can definitely, conscionably, legally walk out with a stalk of catnip! No problem!
37) I need my fix
What a perfect face for holding onto your drugs with a fiery passion. This cat doesn’t trust anyone in the room and wants to be left alone with his catnip for all time! I bet he loves his dad but… not right now.
38) Nip nose
Imagine walking in on this cat with cat cocaine covering its entire coated body. He doesn’t even look remotely ashamed! He can’t even properly open up his right eye and he’s just looking at his mom like “yeah it was a wild night.”
It’s impossible to be bored after seeing your cat get into the catnip. Of course, there is no need to worry as catnip is safe for them (as long as you regulate the amount, of course). It’s just hilarious witnessing cats unlock another level of their ridiculousness after they get high as a kite.
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