Cats are great pets. They love to cuddle up next to their owners and purr and paw until they fall asleep. They can take care of themselves for the most part and only have to be fed and watered.
Most cats are well-behaved, but some can get a little wild. They can also make some pretty crazy faces. If you touch a cat the wrong way or if they happen to fall or trip, they usually make a hilarious face. Most of the time, we aren’t lucky enough to catch those faces on camera.
When cats sneeze, they also make some strange faces. Sometimes, they even look scary. They can’t help it, though; they just hate to sneeze and don’t understand what’s happening.
These cat owners all caught their cats in the middle of a sneeze. They didn’t plan to photograph them; they just got lucky. These cats look pretty crazy, but their owners love them anyway.
1. Sneeze Or Annoyed?
It’s hard to tell if this cat has to sneeze or is annoyed at something. The squinty little eyes say sneeze, but the rest of the face says the cat is just annoyed. He probably wanted some extra food and his owner wouldn’t allow it. Maybe he felt better after he sneezed.
2. This Cat Is Really Messed Up
This is what happens when you try to hold in a sneeze. If you hold it in too long, your face will get stuck that way. That’s why it’s just better to let it out. You also don’t want someone to catch a photo of you like this.
3. Crazy Sneeze
This cat is sneezing so hard that he is about the fall off the table he’s lying on. Maybe that’s not a bad thing, though. His family probably doesn’t allow him on the furniture anyway. What a powerful sneeze!
4. Painful Sneeze
This cat looks like she might be in pain. Luckily, she is just sneezing. Hopefully, it was a fast sneeze. It looks like she has been holding it back for a while.
5. Sneeze And A Hairball
This cat looks like he isn’t just ready to sneeze; he also wants to cough up something. Maybe a hairball? Maybe he got into the trash and ate something he shouldn’t have. Maybe when he sneezes, he will feel better.
6. He Looks Disgusted
This cat looks like he hates to sneeze. He has been holding it back, hoping the need would just go away, but now, he can’t help it. He has to let it go. Let’s hope it isn’t a snotty sneeze.
7. Close Your Eyes
Try to sneeze with your eyes open. You can’t do it, can you? This cat tried, and look what happened to her. Now, her eyes are stuck like that. Maybe she can shake it off or they will open back up with the next sneeze.
8. She Really Doesn’t Want To Sneeze
Why do cats hate to sneeze so much? Don’t they know how good it feels when it’s over and done? This cat is trying her best to hold it in. She is squeezing her face as tight as she can. It looks painful.
9. Only One Eye Open
This cat doesn’t trust anyone. She wants to keep one eye open at all times, even when she is sneezing. She can’t stand it. She just wants to get this sneeze over with, so she can go back to napping by the window and batting at the blinds.
10. This Is Terrifying!
Is this cat getting ready to sneeze or attack? It looks like something from a horror movie. Imagine seeing this in the middle of the night when you go to the kitchen to get something to drink. That would scare anyone to death.
11. Strangely Calm
This cat just looks a little off. Unlike some of the other cats on this list, though, he has control. At least he thinks he has control. He is about to let out a huge sneeze, and that calm facial expression will change to craziness just like the others.
12. Don’t Look At Her While She Is Sneezing
Cats are judgmental, but they don’t like it when it’s turned around on them. This cat is mad that her owners aren’t only watching her sneeze but also photographing it. How is she going to act like she is better than everyone now?
13. It’s About To Happen
This cat doesn’t want to sneeze, but it’s about to happen. It looks like it’s going to be a big one, too. It’s probably the kind that will cover the camera and her owners with snot. Don’t hold it in too long, kitty.
14. Mean Sneezer
This cat looks like he was in mid-hiss when he started to sneeze. It looks like he might be angry about it. Maybe he’s just stuck making this face because he sneezed so hard. You never know with cats. One minute they are nice, and the next, they are biting your hand.
15. Tiny Sneeze
This little kitten has a cold. She needs to be wrapped up and snuggled by her owners. She’s so cute that it’s almost pitiful that she has to sneeze. I bet this is the cutest sneeze that anyone has ever seen.
16. Maybe It’s Allergies
This cat looks like he sneezes a lot and may be getting tired of it. Maybe he needs to be an inside cat. He might have allergies. He should be on the back of a couch looking out a window instead of outside in the itchy grass.
17. Look At Those Teeth
This cat is trying to keep his sneeze in and is even willing to bare his teeth if necessary. Someone has been taking really good care of this cat. Looks at those pretty white chompers. Just let that sneeze out, buddy; it will be OK.
18. Stop Taking My Photo!
This cat is already annoyed that his owner won’t stop taking photos of him. Now, he has to sneeze and isn’t happy about that, either. Cats hate sneezing. This is one annoyed little kitty.
19. Sneezed Her Fur Up
This fluffy cat sneezed so hard that it made her fur fluff up. Now, she’s sneezy and having a bad hair day. Even worse, her owners got a photo of her when she’s not looking her best. It must be hard to be a cat.
20. He Can’t Take It Anymore
We have all be here before: Your allergies are acting up or you have a cold, and you just get tired of sneezing. Your body hurts, and you just want to be done with it. This cat is at that point now. He just wants the sneezing to stop.
21. Big Eyes
This cat better let out that sneeze or else his eyes are going to pop out of his head. It’s one thing to hold a sneeze in for a couple seconds, but when your eyes start to look like this, it’s time to let it out. Sneezes aren’t that bad.
22. He Hates The World
This cat hates to sneeze, and when he has to, he gets mad at the world. He is daring anyone to come around him while he feels this way. He won’t hesitate to swat or scratch them if he must. Calm down, buddy.
23. Crossed-Eyed Kitty
This little kitty isn’t very big, but her sneezes are. In fact, she sneezes so hard that it makes her little eyes go crossed. The poor little kitty just needs to crawl up on her pillow and get some rest. She is cute even with crossed eyes.
24. Wild Sneeze
If you think domestic cats are the only cats with sneezing problems, think again. Even wildcats sneeze a lot. This one has a crazy look in his eyes like he might not know what’s happening.
25. Stop Fighting It
This cat has been fighting back a sneeze for so long that it’s made her face stretched out. She can’t even shut her mouth to hold back the sneeze. You don’t see cats with faces like this every day. Good thing someone snapped a photo.
26. Frozen In A Sneeze
This cat has had enough of trying to hold back the sneezes. She is just in the sneeze pose and waiting on it to come out. It looks like she might have a few sneezes in there waiting to come out. At least she is outside, so she won’t get cat snot everywhere.
27. Smile Sneeze
This kitten is sneezing so hard that her little face is pulled back. It almost looks like she is smiling. She’s just a little cat with a big sneeze. This is what happens when you hold one in too long.
28. Trying To Stop It
If you have ever been in the library or class and had to sneeze but didn’t want it to be loud, you have probably made this same face. He is concentrating really hard and hoping it doesn’t make a loud noise. Good luck with that, cat.
29. The Twisted Tongue
You know that trick you use to push your tongue up to the roof of your mouth to stop your sneeze? Does it work? No. Do we keep doing it? Yes. This cat is doing the same thing. His tongue is just twisted. I wonder if it works for him.
30. The Cry Sneeze
Can anyone blame this little kitten for his sad face? He is tired of sneezing. His sneezes are so big, he just can’t handle them anymore. We have all felt like this, especially during allergy season.
31. Nailed It
Whoever took this photo was able to nail the sneeze face. This cat is about to let loose and probably release multiple sneezes. This cat isn’t happy about having his photo taken, though.
32. At Least One Is Normal
This cat owner was hoping to catch a nice photo of her two cats. She managed to get the photo, but one of the cats had to sneeze. It’s the same thing with children. You can’t get a good photo of more than one of them.
33. Is She Angry?
This cat seems to be angry about sneezing. She has her teeth showing and looks like she is giving everyone the crazy eye. Then again, that might just be the sneeze coming out. It’s hard to tell sometimes.
34. Almost Got It Out
This cat doesn’t seem to be fighting her sneeze. In fact, she looks like she is ready to get that sneeze out and get on with her little kitty life. There are balls of yarn to chase and posts to scratch. She can’t let something like a sneeze hold her back.
35. What A Relief!
This cat’s owner didn’t catch him before his sneeze but at the end of it. The look in this cat’s eyes is one of pure relief. We can all relate to the cat in this photo.
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