We love our pets. They are always there to cheer us up and make us laugh. Most of the time, it’s the little things they do that we love the most.

Whether they are falling off furniture, tripping over rugs, or simply sleeping in weird positions, pets have a way of entertaining us — even when they don’t mean to do it. If there is one thing that pets love to do, it’s to look out the window.

Some pets will sit by the window and stare out it all day. They love to watch the world go by, and some are just waiting for their families to come home. Sometimes, though, these pets get a little curious and a little hungry. They want to know what the windows taste like.

These pets are all guilty of being window lickers. They don’t just lick them once; they have a bad habit of window licking. Their owners happened to capture photos of them in the act. They are still adorable, though.