Just two weeks after Guinness World Records announced that Spike, the Chihuahua, was the world’s oldest living dog, they had to make another announcement.
Guinness World Records had received a new entry, complete with all the papers and evidence, that it was Bobi, a Cão de Castro Laboreiro dog to be the oldest living dog alive.
In fact, he’s the oldest dog – ever!
Spike, as of 7 December 2022, was 23 years and 7 days old. Bobi is 30 years and 266 days old as of 1 February 2023.
The Australian cattle dog Bluey (1910–1939), who lived to be 29 years, and 5 months old, held the previous record for the oldest dog ever. The Portuguese dog has now surpassed that mark.
Bobi also has a beautiful story to tell.
“I was eight years old,” said Leonel Costa, now aged 38 in an interview with Guinness. “My father was a hunter, and we always had many dogs.”
Life was hard before and because of the large number of animals that they already owned, Leonel’s father didn’t want to raise any more puppies.
He would often bury newborn puppies.
“Unfortunately, at that time it was considered normal by older people who could not have more animals at home […] to bury the animals in a hole so that they would not survive,” Leonel further explained.
One day, after their dog, Gira, gave birth and went out, Leonel’s parents went to the shed where she kept the puppies.
There, Leonel’s parents took the puppies and did the unthinkable.
Leonel and his brothers were heartbroken as they realized what had happened. In the following days, the brothers noticed that Gira still visited the shed.
They were curious and baffled.
Eight-year-old Leonel, along with his brothers followed their dog on her way to the shed, and there, they discovered a tiny brown puppy who was still alive.
Leonel’s parents didn’t notice that they left one behind. Soon, the boys kept the puppy’s existence a secret.
They all wanted the small brown puppy to live.
“We knew that when the dog opened its eyes, my parents would no longer bury it,” Leonel recalled. “It was popular knowledge that this act could not or should be done.”
Typically, puppies will open their eyes for the first time between 7-14 days after birth. This varies among breeds and individual puppies.
The boys were all excited and looked forward to the day when the pup would open its eyes.
At last, the little puppy opened his eyes and was accepted into their family. They named him Bobi.
Leonel said at first, his parents got furious, but for him and his brothers, it was all worth it.
Thirty years later, Bobi, now more than 30 years old is still beautiful, gentle, and smart.
It’s obvious that Bobi has good health and is looking good for his age. So, many people asked, what’s the secret?
According to Leonel, he thinks that Bobi’s long and healthy life is because he lives in a very calm, clean, and peaceful environment.
He enjoys good food, and fresh air, and can always roam free in the forests and farmland surrounding their home.
Bobi’s life story, his age, and his good looks are truly amazing, don’t you think so?
Watch his story below.
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