Dogs make us laugh without lifting a single paw. Their adorable (and derpy) faces easily warm our heart strings and automatically turn on our giggle meter. As a parent of a fur baby, I wish my dog could speak human, but then again, if they did, they probably wouldn’t be as cute. Although our furry friends can’t speak human, they CAN take extremely cute and endearing selfies that make your insides squirm as you literally laugh out loud.
Here at Animal Channel, we have complied 31 photos that showcase millennial dogs who have mastered the art of selfies, along with captions they would potentially write if they could speak human. Prepare yourselves for a high dosage of cuteness overload.
#1 Cheese! There’s always something to be happy about.

#2 All I need in this life of sin is me, myself and I.

#3 Everyday is a beautiful day.

#4 Oh herro there!

#5 We can never take a normal picture together.

#6 Spending some quality time with my favorite tennis ball!

#7 Pug or Seal or Pug Seal?

#8 Photobombed by the enemy.

#9 Suffering from holiday food coma.

#10 Us trying to take a normal picture together!

#11 Now, silly faces!

#12 Us actually being normal!

#13 Check out my shiny new braces!

#14 Pondering about life.

#15 Lazy days on the kitchen floor.

#16 I do the best winky faces ;)

#17 I woke up like this.

#18 Smile! Appreciate the little things in life.

#19 After bath selfie! Squeaky clean is how I love to be.

#20 SO MANY SMELLS! The great outdoors is the best place to explore.

#21 There are only two options in life: Be cool or be cool.

#22 I’m pooped or did I just poop?

#23 Wrinkles on wrinkles on wrinkles.

#24 Even my ugly face is cute.

#25 Every walk with my human ends up being my favorite walk.

#26 Woke up from my nap because I smelled bacon!

#27 Life is easy when you’re this cute.

#28 I’m actually really happy but this is what my resting face looks like.

#29 Two peas in a pod.

#30 You see that pile of clothes, I’m going to decorate the room with it.

#31 Never a dull moment with this one.

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