When most of us think longingly about having a dog, we dream about cuddles on the couch, leisurely walks through the countryside, and maybe even letting them fall asleep on our bed at night. But not all dogs fit into the same mould, and while it’s still possible to do these things with a big dog, some activities may be a little trickier.
Big dogs deserve love just as much as smaller dogs, and there’s nothing that warms our hearts more than seeing these huge bundles of love as a cherished member of the family. It’s also pretty fascinating to see just how huge some breeds of dog can actually grow.
To satisfy your curiosity, here’s 30 pictures of gigantic beast-dogs who are bigger than their owners- and we think that you’ll be wanting your own beast-dog by the end!
1. A snow dog
Is this a dog or a polar bear? It’s difficult to tell- but he looks like the friendliest polar bear we’ve ever seen! We don’t envy the person who had to give him a bath after this.
2. He can still be a lap dog
A common feature of big dogs is that they don’t quite realize how big they are- and this dog has seen the cat sitting on his mama’s lap, so why can’t he? He might be 180lbs, but he wants to be babied like any other dog. We can’t get over how huge his face is!

3. Another lap dog
What made us laugh the most about this picture is that even the medium sized dog next to the owner had resigned himself to sitting on the couch- and now seems to be pretty upset that his huge brother gets to sit in his daddy’s lap. All dogs are lap dogs, but some laps are simply inadequate to the task of hosting.

4. He needs his own seat
Wasn’t there once a rule for public transport, that you could only take your dog if they could fit on your knee? This big boy needs his own seat, and we think our hearts would melt if we saw this on the Subway on our daily commute. What’s better than a dog that makes you smile on your way to work?

5. This good boy did a heck of a grow this year
Wait a minute… this dog grew this much in just a year? This picture gives us trust issues. We love how the dog is wearing his owner’s jacket in the second pic. Maybe the dog didn’t get bigger, but the world just got smaller…

6. Drogan the couch horse
This is Drogan, a silver merle Great Dane. He is approximately 18 months old, weighs about 140 lbs, and loves taking naps on his couch. He makes that couch look tiny! If you have a dog of this size, you have to accept that certain pieces of furniture now belong to them.

7. My English teachers huge boi named Havoc
We often wonder how much a dog this size has to eat every day. If Havoc was stood up on his back legs, he would surely be taller than most humans! Imagine taking this big guy on a walk, and he spots a squirrel…

8. Dog or bear?
We can’t imagine what it feels like to own a dog whose head is a great deal bigger than your own. It probably weighs a tonne! Look how gorgeous he is, though. We just want to give him a big cuddle!

9. Our recently adopted Great Pyrenees is a big boy! And a sweetheart!
It has to be said, big dogs give the best hugs. Not only can they get up to face level with you, but there’s also more soft fur to pet. On a side note, how is this dog so clean? They’re literally standing in a field of mud. Can the owner give us some tips, please?

10. Rare 216 lb pupper!
This beast-dog literally weighs over twice the amount of your average human, and we’re honestly not sure how we feel about it. How would you control something as big as this on a walk? What’s more, this dog isn’t even fully grown yet! He’s just a 1 year old baby Neopolitan Mastiff.

11. Snuggle bug
After looking at this snap, we are convinced that this is not a dog at all- but a cinnamon roll that has magically come to life. How is he so fluffy? And so chubby? We NEED him.

12. He found the treats
It’s impossible to hide anything from a dog this big, which makes it difficult to keep snacks in the house. In fact, with a dog this big, there is a danger that your Great Dane will drag your fridge into the yard and bury it for later. You know, just for fun.

13. He’s still a baby!!
Just how is this dog still a baby, when he’s already taller than his mom? He’s so big, that we’re pretty sure that you could give him a mane and pretend he was a horse. A more slobbery, cuddly horse, that is.

14. From pupper to woofer in just 1 year!
There’s nothing we love more than a before-and-after picture of a dog that’s all grown up, and this one has to be one of the best. Even as a puppy this dog looked big, but now his size is more similar to a horse! It looked like it was a struggle to even pick him up.

15. BIG Boi Spotted On The Tube
I took us a second to spot this dog, which just increased our shock even more- because how did we miss such a huge lad? Granted, this probably comes down to camera angles too, but this dog literally looks bigger than all of the humans in the carriage. We wonder if he had to buy his own ticket?

16. The happiest picture
If we could transport ourselves into any spot right now, it would be here. According to the owner, this doggo blanket weighs a combination of 180lbs and 165lbs respectively, but think they’re “smol puppers”. This is pure happiness.

17. Big dog or tiny human?
Despite looking as if he could eat you out of a house and home, this Good Boy seems to be incredibly well trained- just look at how nicely he’s sitting! We wonder what would happen if you had a badly trained dog of this size? Sounds like a recipe for disaster!

18. Guard chonk
A guard dog has a very important job. They have to be on high alert all the time, making sure that their home is protected from nasty humans. The job is so important, that admittedly it gets a little draining- and every so often one has to rest one’s eyes…

19. He still thinks he’s a puppy
This dog has no idea what unfamiliar place his dad has taken him to, and he’s feeling a little nervous. He knows that cuddles on daddy’s knee will make him feel better, and he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks. He’ll find a way to make it work.

20. Big boy -270 lbs of love
For scale, this human is 5″2, and we actually think that the dog would be taller than her! We love the shocked expression on his face- he looks very concerned about something, or maybe a little guilty. This is our dog’s exact expression when he tries to sneakily let one go.

21. Floofy pupper doin a heckin grow into a big ol’ woofer
Once the dog reached 4 months, he was already the size of most adult dogs! And the scary thing is, Great Pyrenees dogs don’t stop growing until they’re two years old. Isn’t he so beautiful, though?

22. Big pupper: “Why u so smol?” Little pupper: “Am sausage.”
It’s like big dogs don’t realize how big they are until they come across a small dog. The hilarious thing is, the small dog seems a lot more brave than the big dog, despite the fact that it could easily eat him for breakfast. Dogs are so funny like that.
23. My doodle was out cold for 20 min like this. Not a move.
This dog looks like a life-sized stuffed animal, and (weirdly) kind of like a human in a dog suit. We think it has something to do with the way that he’s dramatically thrown himself over the furniture. This is exactly what we look like on a Monday morning.

24. This is Zeke! A friend of ours that we met at Garner State Park! My fiancé is 6′.
The fact that this girl is 6″, yet the dog makes her look around 5″5, says enough about this picture. If this dog had some black spots on his back, he could easily pass for Scooby Doo! Better hide those Scooby snacks…

25. He makes a good pillow
We love seeing pictures of dogs who get along, and these two are clearly best friends. If we were the small dog, we’d probably do the exact same thing! His brother’s back looks super comfortable.

26. When the heat gets too much
It’s hard enough for us humans when the weather gets hot and sweaty, so we feel for all of the beast-dogs of the world. This dramatic pooch looks as if she’s trying her best to cool down- and taking up the whole couch in the process.

27. Max telling off Cayde for being a nuisance
Siblings are known for the occasional bicker, but when it comes down to it, they really do love each other. We wonder what this argument was about? “Cayde, I know it’s you who keeps on eating the biscuits out of my bowl…”

28. Dog or mop?
This dog looks like a giant mop, and we will always be confused as to how a dog’s fur can grow in this way. Can he even see under all of those dreads? Ah well, he looks happy enough.

29. She thinks she’s people
This dog is just trying to do it the way the humans do it, and you can tell from her face that she’s pretty disappointed. She just doesn’t fit the same! Life must be hard when you’re this big.

30. I think I need a bigger bed
The dog wants to be involved in the cuddles as well, but unfortunately, there just isn’t quite enough room on the bed… The dog needs his own king-sized bed, just for himself!

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