If you have a dog and want to be able to train him properly, you need all the help you can get. Raising dogs is kind of like raising kids. If you don’t do it right, you will end regret it quickly. It takes a lot of hard work to keep your dog healthy and happy.
Here are 11 things every dog owner should know.
Make Your Own Pet Shampoo

Are you tired of paying too much for shampoo and conditioner for your dog? No matter what product you buy, it probably doesn’t work as well as you would like, and your dog might even smell worse after a bath. Just make your own dry shampoo using your favorite essential oils, baking soda, and cornstarch, and you will have your dog smelling and look great.
Frozen Treats

If you want to keep your dog entertained on a hot summer day, take a large Kong ball, fill it with fruit and water, and freeze it. Toss it to your dog and watch her have fun with it for hours. It’s fun, tasty, and refreshing.
Fresh Breath

Source: Shy Stylist
Some people love puppy breath and others not so much. Help freshen your pet’s breath by adding some toothpaste to a lint brush and then having the dog lick it off. It cleans the dog’s tongue and will make his breath fresher.
Price Match Ads In-Store

If you find a better price at a store and are already in Petco or PetSmart, you can price match the item and get it for the lowest price. You can save yourself a trip to another store and some money.
Dog Food Pitcher

Do you get tired of spilling dog food all over the floor when feeding your dog? Instead of tipping the heavy bag to pour it into the bowl, add the food to a pitcher and then use the pitcher to pour the food into the bowl without spilling it.
Protect Cold Feet

You might not think about your dog’s feet getting too cold in the snow, but it happens. Don’t let your dog suffer. Apply some Vaseline to the dog’s feet instead, and he will be protected from the cold and frostbite.
Tennis Ball Treats

Take an old tennis ball and make a cut into it. Put treats and kibble inside the ball and watch your dog fall in love with that old ball all over again. It’s all the excitement of a game of fetch with a little surprise inside.
Portable Water Bottle

Your dog gets hot and thirsty during walks, too, but there isn’t always a place for her to catch a drink. Use an old pancake syrup bottle as a portable water bottle for your dog. You can squirt it in your dog’s mouth to keep her cool and hydrated.
Dawn Dish Soap for Fleas

Source: Pinterest
Fleas can be annoying for your dog and your whole family. They make dogs itch, and if you don’t control them, they can get in your home and get on your linens and even your family. The easiest way to get rid of fleas is to bathe your dog in Dawn dish soap. It kills the fleas, so you can just rinse them off your dog. It’s safe and affordable, too.
DIY Dog Rope

If you have a teething puppy or a bored dog and don’t have time to run out and buy a new toy, just use some old T-shirts to make a rope. Cut the T-shirts into strips, braid them together, and put knots and both ends, and your dog will have fun for hours.
Ice Cube Game

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