Couple get new puppy but no one’s more excited than boy next door who sends them letter about their dog
Oh my goodness. This has got to be the sweetest kid ever.
D.G. Sciortino

No one brings us comfort quite like dogs do.

That’s why demands for pets to foster or adopt have been at an all-time high during the coronavirus pandemic.

The demand has almost completely cleaned out the animal shelters, according to ABC 7.

So while a fourth-grader named Troy didn’t get a new puppy of his own, he was thrilled when his neighbors did.

Troy instantly fell in love the moment he laid eyes on the new golden retriever puppy named Arthur.

Troy was really hoping to be friends with Arthur so he wrote a letter to the dog’s human parents to see if it was OK.

Troy asked if they would allow him to dog sit after the pandemic is over and if he would be allowed to take Arthur on walks and play with him.

“Hello neighbors,” Troy’s letter started. “My name is Troy. I’m in 4th grade and I’m just wondering if maybe after this virus you need a dog sitter and if so I can take your dog on walks and more.”

Arthur’s parents immediately melted over how sweet and precious the letter was and how much Troy wanted to play with their puppy.

I mean, Arthur is a pretty darn cute puppy.

And he seemed pretty excited about the prospect of meeting Troy.

“I made friends with a small hooman today. He’s like basically me-sized. I bet I can get him to give me more treats than my hoomans,” Arthur explained in an Instagram post.

Arthur’s parents were touched by the note and agreed to arrange a playdate for the two new pals.

Arthur made sure to update or “pupdate” his 37,800 followers on Instagram about the fun they had.

“Just a quick pupdate – me and the smol neighbor had a really great (socially distant) playdate today. Because he’s so smol we didn’t take any pics just for privacy purposes but he told me all about his dog fren and even showed me some dance moves!! I have a feeling we’re gonna be best buds!”

Arthur’s Instagram friends were ecstatic.

“It makes me so happy to know that somewhere out there in this crazy Corona world, Arthur and Troy are frolicking together and having the BEST time,” one of them wrote.

“I know this doesn’t involve me but this is the most important thing to happen to me in awhile,” said another.


Arthur ended up sharing Troy’s letter on Instagram where it went viral with more than 19,822 likes.

“This couldn’t be sweeter!!! Sounds like Troy will be your new best friend,” said one commenter on Instagram.

His Instagram following shot up overnight after that.

“My hoomans told me that me and my fren Troy broke the puppernet yesterday,” Arthur said on his Instagram. “I’m glad it brought me so many new frens!! Do any of you have treats to spare? I celebrated my newfound celebrity status by trying to eat a dead baby bird because I gotta keep my hoomans humble.”

Arthur is having fun with his newfound fame and is so happy to have made so many new friends.

But it makes him want to go out and play with all his friends.

Unfortunately, his parents nixed that idea.

“All I want to do is play with you guys but my moms say I can’t because of something called a “pandemic”??? Someone pls give me pets pronto. I promise to wear a mask,” begged Arthur.

You can get more updates on Arthur and his new friends here.

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