Rescuers save bait dog with ear shredded to pieces unaware she’s a star in the making
The vets had never seen a dog in such rough shape.
Kristin Danley-Greiner

Dreams really can come true and Abigail is proof of that.

This beautiful girl was near death when she was rescued by the Florida nonprofit Love is Fur Ever Dog Rescue. Staffers believed she had been horrifically used as a bait dog in a Miami dog-fighting ring.

YouTube/Fox 4 News
YouTube/Fox 4 News

This precious pup was discovered by rescuers with an entire ear shredded to pieces and the whole side of her head torn off. She was in bad shape and ended up losing her ear.

Dr. Thomas Jackson, the rescue’s veterinarian, confirmed that it was the worst case he had ever seen. The healing process — both physically and emotionally — took a very long time.

Facebook/Bonnets for Abigail
Facebook/Bonnets for Abigail

It was a painful journey for this girl, but she fought hard. All dogs want is a home with a loving family and after everything Abigail had been through, miraculously that dream came true!

She didn’t toil for months on end in a shelter. Instead, she was matched the most perfect parents and an awesome four-legged sister.

Facebook/Bonnets for Abigail
Facebook/Bonnets for Abigail

Megan Steinke and her husband Jason learned of Abigail’s background and found her one-eared look quite endearing. Knowing what she had so bravely endured, Abigail quickly earned princess status in the house.

She bonded with her canine sister Tala and together they became the best of friends. Megan and Jason quickly realized that Abigail had a special presence, a positive attitude and a spark that could light up a room.

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Facebook/Bonnets for Abigail

So they decided to have Abigail train to become a therapy dog like Tala. She sailed through training and emerged not as a victim, but a survivor who has a color array of hair pretties to help disguise her missing ear.

People are amazed when they hear her story and can’t get enough of this pupper. It’s true, she’s an incredible dog!

Facebook/Bonnets for Abigail
Facebook/Bonnets for Abigail

The girls regularly visit hospitals, assisted living homes, cancer centers, Red Cross shelters, schools, fire stations, police departments and wherever their presence is requested. People quickly fell in love with her personality and puppy dog smile.

“It’s just been so inspiring to see the impact a dog can make on people, and really advocate for the breed of the pit bull, and help rescue dogs. Rescue dogs aren’t broken. They have so much love to give and Abigail is an example of that.”

Facebook/Bonnets for Abigail
Facebook/Bonnets for Abigail

Because of her heartwarming Cinderella story, in 2017, Abigail was named the American-Humane Hero Dog of the year. She celebrated this special recognition with the veterinarian who helped save her life.

But it gets even better! This girl was headed for stardom!

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Facebook/Bonnets for Abigail

Disney+ contacted Megan and Jason and inquired as to whether they could feature Abigail on their special dog show. They were dumbfounded!

“I’m like, ‘Disney? No, there’s no way Disney has found us in Fort Myers, Florida.’ They wanted to highlight Abigail and her story through this new Disney+ show, It’s a Dog’s Life. Abigail does have a wonderful Cinderella story. That’s what I like to call it. Former bait dog to Disney Princess. She’s raising awareness on bait dogs and dogfighting rings, and animal cruelty as a whole. We’re just really happy that Disney chose our little princess to be their next princess.”

Facebook/Bonnets for Abigail
Facebook/Bonnets for Abigail

Abigail’s special episode aired May 29. It beautifully highlighted her tragic past, her full recovery and the light and love she introduces into others’ lives.

People fell in love with Abigail and her tale even without meeting her in person. It’s truly an exceptional life story.

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Facebook/Bonnets for Abigail

Each episode highlights two working dogs and one furry “hometown hero.” Abigal was featured as the hometown hero.

“Abigail does have a wonderful Cinderella story. That’s what I like to call it. Former bait dog to Disney Princess. She’s raising awareness on bait dogs and dogfighting rings and animal cruelty as a whole.”

Facebook/Bonnets for Abigail
Facebook/Bonnets for Abigail

This smiley, happy-go-lucky girl may have had a harsh past but her present is fantastic and her future holds so much promise. What a perfect addition to the Disney Princess lineup!

Watch her journey in the video below and see if maybe a rescue dog has a place in your home and heart.

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